Unlecture Week #8
This week in the unlecture Adrian discussed questions asked in tutes the week before with the panel of other tutors. Hypertext Narratives was one of the points discussed which was good as it was something that hadn’t quite got my head around yet. Adrian actually showed a Hypertext narrative that he had made with a number of nodes contain information, all interconnected with lines which sort of ended up looking like a family tree. Some things I took in were that people are able to access the pages of the Hypertext narrative from different places which construct a different context for the reader and audiences. They are also highly granular and differ from linear styled narrative in that the audience have a range of different nodes in which they can interact with it. All in all, it is a ‘complex mess’ of interactive information.
One website that is very interesting in this area of hypertext is ‘reddit’ the social news and entertainment website that has a community of interesting people who are able to share personal news and stories (either specific or broad) to the rest of the people in the network. Items of higher interest and legitimacy (which is earned) are moved towards the top of the page. I have found myself looking on the website for hours through hyperlinks reading an AMA (Ask Me Anything) about a cat lover to one with President Obama. I actually hope Adrians notion about social media and the decline of facebook is true because it is making people go crazy!!