Reflection 29/7

This course has already offered the opportunity for me to gain technical production and camera skills that I was lacking before. As I found out in my individual exercise, I have a fairly good sense of how to set up the EX3, with a solid gain in my ability to recognise good exposure and an understanding of how to actually employ the zebra tool.

I chose the doorway that I shot in the exercise as it created the opportunity for multiple spaces to be in frame (i.e.: the space as it appears in the frame before the doorway and through it) and the misleading depth of the space through the doorway. In the first shot I attempted to time it so that I could capture some people walking in the courtyard through the door – a couple walked past but that was all. For the second one I asked a man sitting nearby if he would walk back and forth a couple of times with some sort of purpose. My instructions were quite vague so his actions were too, but some of the impromptu decisions he made invited nice moments – the main being when he chose to look up and his face was met with warm light.

In reflection I probably would have spent more time adjusting the focus in order to give more depth to the frame as it seems a little flat as I watch it back. I would also consider either giving more or less instruction to a future participant as it is slightly uncomfortable watching someone perform in such a way that they only vaguely know what they’re doing.

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