What we read for Week 2.2

Hypertext. What exactly is it?


“As popularly conceived, this is a series of text chunks connected by links which offer the reader different pathways.”

Nelson on hypertext.


screenshot of Xerox PARC's NoteCards hypertext application


We read in the Nelson reading about how hypertext opened doors to new ways of sharing text. However, we also find out the trepidation that abounded over the complexity of the computer age. Nelson writes:


The computer, and now the personal computer, have opened whole new realms of disorder, difficulty, and complication for humanity.


Brusaporto 2013


Nelson mentions how some people embraced the computer tide enthusiastically, and then others wanted to stop the rise of the computers and the confusion that they brought in. However, I like the third perspective that Nelson says we can have on the matter: To accept computers, and to work to intelligently organise their systems so that people can gain the benefits that they will bring. He could see that computers and hypertext could potentially simplify our working and personal lives.


For I believe that the potential for a new Golden Age, through such a unification of electronic text systems, lies before us, and just in time, too.


Computers have changed life enormously, making it possible to achieve so much more in quicker time, and I know I’m thankful that people like Theodore Nelson worked hard to bring in hypertext and computers into everyday life.


Vannevar Bush reading

The Bush reading, As We May Think, focuses on looking towards the future and pondering upon what technological advances may be made. It also explains the potential for computing devices.


There will always be plenty of things to compute in the detailed affairs of millions of people doing complicated things.

Bush reading.


Vannevar is indeed right that there are plenty of things to compute. When I read this sentence, I immediately think about how people are now using the internet to gain complex data about what people desire based on what pages they view, what ads they click on etc.

Companies are now gaining complex data about the psychology of consumers, what leads them buy a certain product, all through the analysis of internet usage. In a way I feel it is related to what Bush is describing here:


It is readily possible to construct a machine which will manipulate premises in accordance with formal logic, simply by the clever use of relay circuits. Put a set of premises into such a device and turn the crank, and it will readily pass out conclusion after conclusion, all in accordance with logical law, and with no more slips than would be expected of a keyboard adding machine.


It’s amazing, really, how computers have developed over the years to become the ultra-efficient, high-speed data machine that they are. And you can’t help but notice that Vannevar Bush was fairly accurate in the predictions included in his article.

Week 1.2 notes…

Well the week 1.2 workshop has been and gone, and we made it though the symposium okay! I was not on the panel, but it was interesting to see how the 30 minute discussion would play out.


I found it beneficial to hear the perspectives of both our lecturer Elliot and also Esther, Mishell, and Dan share about the readings and their interpretation of them. They discussed the differences between single and double-loop learning, the importance of blogging in learning, and learning the art of noticing.


After the symposium, we brainstormed about which functions of the blogs we would like to know how to use. Our task was then to search the internet to find out how to perform these tasks on our blogs, and then to share what we find with our classmates. I learned how to upload and embed media onto blog posts, and then wrote a post about my findings.



The readings for next class were all about Design Fiction, and looking at how people can predict and design what may become a part of the future.


One useful definition calls design fiction “an approach to design that speculates about new ideas through prototyping and storytelling.”

Excerpt from the Torie Bosch reading.


I found the Bosch reading quite interesting to hear about Bruce Sterling’s experience with Design Fiction. Sterling said one of the most effective types of design fiction has been videos. He said a great example of this is in 2001: A Space Odyssey, a 1960’s film where an iPad-like device is used. Little did they know that 40 years later the iPad would take the world by storm!


It was also interesting to read in the As We May Think reading, how when great ideas are thought of, sometimes it takes a long time before they are economically sustainable. Vannevar Bush explained that a calculating device was invented in the 1700’s, yet at that time it was very hard to produce:


The  economics  of  the  situation  were  against  it:  the  labor involved  in  constructing  it,  before  the  days  of  mass  production,  exceeded  the labor  to  be  saved  by  its  use,  since  all  it  could  accomplish  could  be  duplicated  by sufficient  use  of  pencil  and  paper.


However, nowadays the economic environment allows computers and other extremely complicated devices can be rolled out and produced in such a way that a profit can be achieved.


Make sure you check out Dana’s blog on Design Fiction here.

How to add Audio/Visual Media to your Blog

As I am new to the blogging scene, I am exploring how to use my blog and the many functions that it provides. I was pleased to discover that the way to upload or embed images, videos, or audio to a blog post is actually a very simple process.



Uploading images, audio, or video content of your own is easy.

1. Click to Add New Post.

2. Click on the section of your post where you would like to insert the media, then click the Upload/Insert option.

3. Drop media in the Add Media pop-up box.

4. Insert into post.

Images will appear in the post directly, like this…



While for audio and video, a link should appear. By clicking on the link you will be directed to a media player to play the file. It will become a hyperlink like this: Test clip

The upload/insert function allows you to upload any media up to 19MB in size.

Please note: It is only legal to upload media that you are the copyright owner to! If you want to share someone else’s work, you must use the media off an online hosting website such as youtube, vimeo, or flickr.


HOW TO EMBED MEDIA (from a web hosting site)

If you would like to share media from a web hosting site such as youtube or soundcloud, then:

1. Click ‘Share’ on the hosting site to find the URL of the media clip.

2. Copy and Paste the URL into the blog post.

The media should then appear with its own player just like below…




Voila! There you have it. Easy as pie 🙂