Housemate Heaven

I am about to embark on my first experience of living with people other than family. My siblings have moved out, and in comes one of my old mates from school. Now I’m looking forward to the opportunity, but also kinda wary that not all house sharing experiences turn out happy and healthy. But what if suddenly you did find the perfect housemate, what would it look like? I’d call it Housemate Heaven, and if it ever existed, I think it would look a bit like this…


1. Housemate does the dishes without me saying a word about them.



2. Housemate always puts the seat down after toileting.


3. Housemate never eats my food, or uses up my last bit of milk in the fridge!

Milk and Cereal


4. Housemate shares the vacuuming and household cleaning so it doesn’t look like a pig sty.


5. Housemate always pays their share of the bills on time.



6. Housemate picks up after themselves, rather than leaving stuff lying right throughout the house.

Canon 7D Noise and Banding Example


7. Housemate offers to put out the bins, and he actually does it before the truck comes.

British rubbish truck doing the rounds of Melbourne's suburbs


8. Housemate keeps quiet after 10pm every weeknight.



9. Housemate only watches what I watch on TV.


10. Housemate can cook, and makes my lunch for me each day.

204/365: *Wink*  [Blue]


Okay, so not all these ideas are realistic! But some of them are reasonable, and it does beg the question, if they are things I would like in a housemate, well I better start doing them myself! I guess it’s not fair to expect them of others if I don’t put in a good effort and start the ball rolling.

There’s a challenge…


Oh and check out Mishell’s blog on her apirations in life!


How to add Audio/Visual Media to your Blog

As I am new to the blogging scene, I am exploring how to use my blog and the many functions that it provides. I was pleased to discover that the way to upload or embed images, videos, or audio to a blog post is actually a very simple process.



Uploading images, audio, or video content of your own is easy.

1. Click to Add New Post.

2. Click on the section of your post where you would like to insert the media, then click the Upload/Insert option.

3. Drop media in the Add Media pop-up box.

4. Insert into post.

Images will appear in the post directly, like this…



While for audio and video, a link should appear. By clicking on the link you will be directed to a media player to play the file. It will become a hyperlink like this: Test clip

The upload/insert function allows you to upload any media up to 19MB in size.

Please note: It is only legal to upload media that you are the copyright owner to! If you want to share someone else’s work, you must use the media off an online hosting website such as youtube, vimeo, or flickr.


HOW TO EMBED MEDIA (from a web hosting site)

If you would like to share media from a web hosting site such as youtube or soundcloud, then:

1. Click ‘Share’ on the hosting site to find the URL of the media clip.

2. Copy and Paste the URL into the blog post.

The media should then appear with its own player just like below…


Voila! There you have it. Easy as pie 🙂