Film-TV1- Analysis/Reflection 6 – Question 6

Consider Sandra’s lecture “Directing Actors” and describe at least a couple of points that you took away from it (even if you’re not the director).


Firstly, cast well, take your time and don’t say yes to the first person you remotely feel good about. Give them a scene to do and watch them act as dialogue often makes the best auditions as they allow you to hear them speak and think the thoughts of the character.

Rehearsal Period

Keep the rehearsal period brief and don’t get over entangled with all the other technical aspects of the film. Actors need to think about what’s on the page and you should influence them in a way that they think they think it – the way you talk to actors should make them think from the inside out. Ask them a lot of questions, for example what do you think the story is about?

If you don’t have a dialogue heavy script, use the camera and try to do the scene as it would be done on location. Dialogue gives actors movement and more action, so if you don’t have this you’re better off physically doing the scene and getting the aesthetic of how it would be shot.

Production Side

Find a way in which to cut scenes in order to decide what can go come 6pm at night and you run out of time, therefore have B-scenes. To have something opposed to nothing is really important.

If you’re shooting out of order, playback emotion for actors will keep continuity. Experienced actors will have their head around where they are emotionally in a scene, but it can help to constantly walk around with a script and note how an actor acted scenes before the scene you’re about to shoot, how did they exit that scene? Have those transitions in place to help you remember when shooting out of sequence. Two questions to ask yourself: A. What was the camera doing, how did we shoot the scene? and B. What emotion was the actor feeling?

Actors on set

The director shouldn’t talk extensively to actors on set, that should be done in rehearsal, on the day it’s about everything else. As a director the best way to interact with actors is with honesty. You need to be delicate and articulate things simply, for example ‘I just need you to be a little happier’ – it’s about saying the right words but not too many words. Actors sense when the director isn’t happy, most of the time it isn’t their fault but simply not as the director envisioned and it is you who will have to change the approach.

Costume/Production Design

It’s the little things that help the film look better. Put your effort into lighting the scene and identifying the elements that make it look aesthetically pleasing. If you have to merge scenes think about how to incorporate the essence of one scene into another.

Actor/Director and Director/Camera

Relationships are the most important on set. Even though the camera dominates the set the director needs to be able to split the focus, it helps if you get the actors to do work beforehand so your attention can be put towards other priorities on the day.

Film-TV1- Analysis/Reflection 5 – Question 3

Blow Up is a 1966 film directed by Michelangelo Antonioni.
In this scene note the choreography of the actors, camera, frame and focus. As covered in the lecture describe the things Antonioni would have have to consider when directing the actors and the camera.


In this scene from Michelangelo Antonioni’s Blow Up we see actors navigate space to develop their relationship and the story. As there are lot of props and location obstacles in the scene, the director would have had to choreograph the actor’s to understand their screen direction.


For example, the ceiling beams that the actors have to duck under, the director chooses to leave the camera angle in the same spot while the actors are half cut off by the beam; capturing the pair in a sanctioned off space and creating an intimate moment.

The camera follows characters when they’re moving and frames them from different angles when stationary. In the shot where the two actors talk between the beam, we see the woman pace back and forth with the camera following her, zooming in as she hits the plastic wall. This develops anxiety and annoyance for the female character. 

Framing in the scene works to frame the characters separately and then together. An example is when the woman has just finished pacing and stands at the plastic screen, the man ducks under the beam and enters the space. It should be noted that whenever there is a shift of characters into space, majority of the time the man enters into the woman’s area, furthering his desire of her. In the final part of the scene the characters are framed separately as the man lights a cigarette and the woman sits not the couch, an expression of the different worlds they live.

Focus works on each actor at a particular time, however there are times where the woman is in focus as she’s closet to the camera and the man resides in the background. When directing the actors and the camera Antonioni would have considered depth of field as influenced by focus, as the actors are moving different distances away from the camera.

LargeFocalLengthDifferent focal lengths offer different depth of field and perspective. Camera distance in relation to depth of field is another element Antonioni would have had to think about – a short focal lense appear to exaggerate the spatial relationship between objects in depth, such as when the characters enter the main room in the man’s place; while a long focal length lense appears to compress the spatial relationship between objects in depth; for example when the the woman first walks around upstairs with the man.


Antonioni would have also had to consider perspective as many of the intercut shots are from different angles, such as the high angle when the man sits on the chair, a curious angle that almost foreshadows the unexpectedness of his dive for the telephone.

Film-TV1- Analysis/Reflection 5 – Question 2

Select from one of the readings from week 5, 6 or 7 and describe two points that you have taken from it. Points that excite you, something that was completely new to you.

Week five’s reading contains extracts from Dušan Makavejev and Martin Scorsese on their unique filmmaking crafts and reasons behind some of their directorial decisions.

“It’s very important to realize that many people believe that the frame contains part of a larger reality. What is important to understand is that in movies there is nothing else – whatever is in the frame is all there is.”

– Dušan Makavejev, Page 114

In this quote Makavejev emphases the importance of the frame; he notes that what’s outside the frame is something we create by the frame – the image creates the fantasy about what is outside. Framing things in means drawing attention to, embracing, taking care, and incorporating something, but whatever you frame out means you’re depriving people of it. Scorsese also points out that what you put in the frame is a major decision, you can’t just put anything as this can make the audience expect something else to happen.

“Similarly, where I place the camera is very often determined by having to relay the right information…

It’s really a matter of the angle, even when you’re moving the camera. It’s important on the level of how much information, how much you want the audience to see, and somehow there’s an emotional thing too.”

– Martin Scorsese, Page 79 

Scorsese views the camera angle as imperative to conveying the right information to the viewer. The camera angle has the ability to decide what you want the audience to see, and importantly what you don’t want them to see. Below is a scene from Scorsese’s Raging Bull (1980) which he identifies in the reading as being comprised of only straight cuts. He also says that he tries to keep a normal look in dramatic scenes; they have an effect where you place the camera, the lighting, the look of the film – it’s what’s on the table, in the foreground and background. In this scene we see the strategic placement of the camera to capture the rage of Jake as he uplifts the table to throw everything off it.


Oumano, E. Film Forum: thirty-five top filmmakers discuss their craft, (p. 78-80, 114-115). New York: St Martin’s Press, 1985.

Film-TV1- Analysis/Reflection 5 – Question 1

Lecture 7 Lighting: What was covered? Do you think the content is relevant to your project? And why?

Week seven’s lecture covered the importance of lighting as a reason for the exposure we need for the project, continuity over the whole scene, spatial continuity to make shots match and to providing perspective to control the image in order to superimpose aesthetics. One of the main points the lecture outlined was that lighting is all about decisions and this helps when you know your location and medium.

This knowledge was extremely useful for our projects as it will help us not only light scenes properly, but take advantage of light when we have it and create the proper aesthetic when we don’t; therefore helping create lighting continuity across scenes and plan shooting. Knowing the transiting of the sun will also allow us to plan for the sun to rise in the east and set in the west, therefore adjusting our shots for continuity. In order to be ready for shoot day we should think about the placement of the camera in relation to lighting, manipulate the sequence where you shoot the shots and shoot tests to see how our medium handles situations and responds.

Film-TV1- Analysis/Reflection 4 – Question 8

Please insert the link for your Lenny Exercise 2 here.

List the things that you learnt from this experience – this could be things that went well or not so well. 

Overall the Lenny Exercise 2 was a great learning experience as introduction to the future weeks major production. It gave the whole group a chance to experience their roles and to understand the flow of the production process. Here are some key things I learnt from the experience:

Lesson 1 – Time is the enemy

There will never be enough time and we could have easily spent all day experimenting with shots, but we only had an hour. Learning how to plan and shoot in relation to time constraints was key. Furthermore, it was interesting to see how once the group got into the process of shooting we became more confident and began to work quicker without realising.

Lesson 2 – Weather is unpredictable

It’s pretty obvious that weather is always unpredictable, but Melbourne weather is the epitome of unpredictable. The day we shot our exercise it was overcast and raining every couple of minutes. This meant we needed a designated umbrella holder to hold over the camera equipment while we shot scenes. Weather constraints is something we will need to be prepared for in our major production with the likelihood of rain present on our shooting day.

Lesson 3 – Takes, takes and more takes

Quite simply, the more takes, the more material. During the shoot we never shot a scene only once, but covered it from a variety of different angles, in multiple takes. This gave us the opportunity to decide in the edit suites, and decision is the most valuable tool in production as it can separate a good film from a great one. Therefore, when in doubt do another take.

Lesson 4 – Plan

Planning is the sword to slaying the beast of the production. In the Lenny Exercise we had decided on a location, mapped out our shots and designated our roles. However, we still wasted time at the start trying to organise ourselves on how we would approach the whole exercise. In our major production we will have to be really organised in order to get straight into shooting and not waste those precious minutes.

Lesson 5 – The other perspective

For our Lenny I acted as Sharon (noting that I also helped out acting for another Lenny production – apologies for Sharon saturation of the Lenny production market). This was probably the best experience from the whole exercise as I could understand the shoot from the perspective of the actor. It helped me fathom what our casted actors will need in terms of communication, direction and assurance from our crew in the major production. Something as simple as reassurance the actors are doing a good job can have a big impact on their confidence for ongoing shots.

Film-TV1- Analysis/Reflection 4 – Question 7

Please outline some points that you took away from the Lighting Lecture. Points that excite you, something that was completely new to you, perplexes you or even one you take issue with. 

The lecture raised the question, why are we lighting in the first place? It was really interesting to understand the reasonings behind lighting a part from the obvious answer of exposure. We light for continuity over the whole scene, something that may not be consistent if there is a reliance on natural light. Light also provides spatial continuity to make shots match. And lastly it provides perspective, as we need control over the image in order to superimpose aesthetics, influencing the mood and look of the film for example.

What was completely new to me was that the lecture helped me realise just how important lighting is in scenes. When we were shown the example of the kids sitting on the rocks in the Australian sun, I assumed the scene was naturally lit; to learn it was made up of constructed light was really eye opening. I’ve always thought of lighting in terms of using natural light to your advantage, but this lecture made me understand that natural light can always be manipulated to achieve better aesthetic qualities.

The one perplexing part of the lecture was understand the transition of the sun. I was a bit confused at the start but when explained that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, going north, it made me realise how important this knowledge is for our major productions; it will help create lighting continuity across scenes and plan shooting.

One of the most important points on lighting was that it’s all about relationships – the relationship between lighting and exposure, the relationship between the camera’s position and the subject – and how these are all used to create contrast.

Below list some key lighting terminology defined in the lecture:

Key light – principle light source for the scene

Fill light – light that fills that scene

Back light/Rim light – light with a rim or hard edge

Eye light – gleam light in someone’s eyes

Film-TV1- Analysis/Reflection 3 – Question 3

From the week 4 lecture describe at least two reasons why we ‘shoot to edit’?

We ‘shoot to edit’ so that scenes can be shot out of order and in a methodical way. For example, this may mean shooting all your exterior shots and then all your interior shots. This also allows efficiency as priority shots, due to time or location restraints, can be done first.

Secondly, by ‘shooting to edit’ we shoot a range of takes. This certifies that when we get to the editing stage there is a variety of material to make a desired decision. More footage means more options; therefore we have to be mindful when shooting to do such things as roll the camera a few seconds at the start and end of the shot.

Film-TV1- Analysis/Reflection 2 – Question 3

In the tute we screened a short film called Rolling – a film made in Film-TV1 a few years ago. In 300 words or less describe what you through worked or didn’t. At this stage we don’t expect you to have a great deal of film knowledge or language. Don’t be afraid to use your own words. Things you could talk about – script, casting, timing, camera movement, location. You may not remember much detail, if so, it could be helpful to talk about your first impressions, after all this is what most of us are left with after one viewing.

My first impression of the short film Rolling was that the overall depiction of the story idea was cleaver. I think the idea development was achieved well by beginning the film with the stacks of toilet rolls as we meet the main character as it allows the progression of the story to further develop him as a character as we learn how he came to possess all this toilet paper. I think the titling of the piece was also well done, as it’s an obvious link but not a predictable one. When I first heard the title I can’t really say what I was expecting, a part from the fact I had Tina Turner in my head for the rest of the day, but my immediate connection was not toilet paper.

In terms of script, I thought the dialogue kept the scenes going and created the necessary awkwardness to capture the crush he had on the shop assistant and the male actor did a good job of articulating this through his speech and body language. The use of location kept the story well contained and structured, the spaces were also well established for the audience, for example the panning shots of the kitchen in the house and the the stocked shelves in the supermarket. The lighting of the locations also helped with the story, the supermarket’s fluorescent bright light compared to the house’s darker light – the bright light is associated with the girl and how the boy views her, while the dark light is his life without her.

My only negative for the film would be the girl coming to his house in the end, personally I believe his character is endearing enough for the audience to love him so for him to get the girl as well I find somewhat over satisfying.

Film-TV1- Analysis/Reflection 2 – Question 2

Select from one of the readings, up to but not including Week 5, and briefly describe two points that you have taken from it. Points that excite you, something that was completely new to you.

Week three’s reading outlined the ability for sound to create emotion to communicate an idea, unlike with the sense of sight where the idea communicates the emotion. Sound is a force that can excite meaning, convert meaning, and, if it is loud enough, resonate body – it’s ability to influence a viewer’s perception of film or television transports the audience from just viewing to experiencing. Below are two interesting points from the reading:

“If you’re not listening, sound remains part of the environment; it does not become part of your consciousness.”

– Page 7

The reading argues that most sounds are part of the environment and many offer little aesthetic satisfaction that they are not worth listening to. Listening should be selective and you learn what to listen for by analysing both the components that make up a sound and the relationship of a sound to its environment. It’s quite interesting how much sound we choose to ignore everyday, and yet when we watch film and television we form an almost default understanding to listen. Thinking of this in relation to music, songs have the ability to create feelings and emotions through sound as we allow it to become part of our consciousness, it’s for this reason people have attachment to certain songs.

“A director was once asked why, after an extremely dramatic, revelatory event in a scene, he chose to have silence. He replied, “Silence was the most awesome sound that we could get.” ”

– Page 276

Silence can be used to enhance sonic effect, it is in the pauses or silences between words, sounds and musical notes that help to create rhythm, contrast, and power. Silence in film gives the audience a chance to recollect their thoughts and process of hearing so that in times of aided audio they can experience the desired effect. For me silence resonates moments in film; they are moments of freedom where you’re allowed to interpret the scene. Silence needs to be appreciated, because it’s tempting to put music and sound effects over everything but a true listener will know when absence says enough.


Bresson, R. “Sight and Hearing.” Notes on the cinematographer, London: Quartet, 1986. Page 50-52

Alten, S. “Creating the sound design.” Audio in Media, Belmont: Wadsworth, 1994.      Page 266-286


Film-TV1- Analysis/Reflection 2 – Question 1

In the film Clown Train how does sound contribute to the atmosphere of this film? Describe what you heard? Can you make reference to another genre film and how they utilise sound to create tension and a unique filmic space?


Sound in Clown Train contributes to the atmosphere of the film by foreshadowing, adding suspense and manipulating space through sound effects and music. Through this the film is given an eerie feeling as the clown get’s closer and closer to the boy, and as the boy tries to understand what’s going on. The film begins with the harsh screeching of train breaks on tracks, foreshadowing the train set the audience is about to see; the screen then flicks from black to image and the sound of space begins with the hum of lights. The first shot of the clown’s face is met with the thumping of a drum to create the feeling of a heart stop in shock. Dialogue then begins and can be heard from opposite channels of the speaker, this places the viewer in the train as though we sit between their conversation. The background audio then decreases volume and there is the flickering of lights – here audio and sound work together to establish darkness, a well established code of nervousness, and make the Clown’s move on the train a shock. There is then a knocking as the Clown smiles, alluding to him knowing something the boy and the audience are deprived of. This knock is then used again when the Clown tells his first joke and realises he’s already told the boy, the Clown knows he’s told the boy before but the boy himself and audience are confused. After this is silence, leaving the audience unsure what to take from the Clown’s comment. The clown then appears next to the boy and tells another joke; “What do you get when you wake up on a train, with a Clown, and you can’t remember how you got there?” The music then quickly rises in volume and is cut to fully hear the Clown laugh; it becomes the climax of the film through sound isolation and sheer volume.

The boy then leaves the train and we hear the Clown say, “Never mind [pause] I’ll tell you on Friday.” This dialogue sets up a form of narrative completion as the audience tries to piece together that this isn’t a single occurrence but the boy will return to the train and this will happen again. There is no explanation to what’s just happened but instead the ability for the audience to interpret the events.

Thriller is another genre of film that uses sound to create tensions and a unique filmic space. Clown Train has Thriller sound codes throughout and uses the familiar sounds, such as flickering lights and knocking, to elicit emotions instilled in the audience from a young age. Thriller films use sound to foreshadow events the audience may not necessarily be able to visually see or understand, in Clown Train this can be heard in the creaks and knocks that allude to key information to help solve the puzzle and act as potential stimulus for the audience to understand the situation.

Clown Train screenshot sourced from