Week Three’s UNlecture

It’s week three of uni and having had three UNlectures I can say I like the concept, but I do think there needs to be less structure to the actual going about of the hour. Anyone should be able to jump in and add or counter-argue what one person is saying in order to make the environment collaborative.

And no electronic devices? Fair enough studies have shown students in particular may not be able to multitask, but to say in one lecture that ‘we’ have to be responsible for our own leaning, and then put up the ‘scalfoding’ of Secondary School of no electronic devices is conflicting. If we are responsible for our own learning we then should be able to determine what is right and wrong to do in context. We spent a lecture talking about how these devices we have in our pockets have and are in the process of changing the world,  so why then make us put that piece of technology away. I personally prefer to write notes down as I have always recorded it that way and it is a thought process that works for me. But different people have different ways they live with these devices, and if anything shouldn’t we be embracing it.

A Nice Surprise

I was watching my routinely 6pm Simpsons episode the other night (yes times haven’t changed much since Primary School), and generally when it is a repeat of an episode I have seen before, which it was, I don’t pay full attention to the show but more so spend the time telling everyone in the room how the episode will end because most likely I have seen it five times. Well at the end of this particular episode I had completely forgot that there was an extra, after the 20th Century Fox and Gracie Films (AKA the shh! lady), there is a short animation sequence that follows Maggie’s day at Daycare. The piece was actually nominated for an Oscar, and I have to say it is one of my favourite short animation pieces to date. So I thought I’d share it with you: