Unlecture Quattro

Today’s unlecture scared me. I knew coming into this course that I was not guaranteed a job after Uni. This decade is much different to the one my parents grew up in. Back then a degree was not as common as it is these days, it meant your future was somewhat secure. Today in the unlecture as Adrian spoke about a future in wedding videos I felt as if I was slapped in the face with the hand of reality. It has been my ultimate dream for years to create films, films that change people’s lives, films that people can’t get out of their heads because they want to be a part of the world that was presented to them in that 2 hours. Today I realised that a future in wedding videos is more realistic. Australia’s film industry is not huge, nor does it really stray from the drama category.

I felt even worse when I looked around the room and noticed how talented my fellow classmates are. Some have started production companies, others are always making short films, some have won film competitions and a few have even had jobs in the industry. Meanwhile I spend my weekends eating pizza and singing 80’s hits to my dog.


Steven Spielberg made his first film at age 14. I still had a Club Penguin account at age 14.



I think I need to start getting my career life in order.