Question 2

One point I took from the reading that interested me was in the very first paragraph; these days everything is recorded. Everyone carries a camera in their pockets, when something happens it’s recorded easily with the click of a button. It almost feels as if you can’t trip down the stairs in public without being filmed. Therefore filmmakers have to focus on “film making” rather than just “recording”. As the reading states, the directors personal vision and form is important. For example the documentary we watched as part of True Lies last semester by ________ where he filmed events in his life. In the beginning it seemed as if he was meaninglessly recording things around him, however throughout the film you become aware of the vision and the direction of the film. It all comes together as (what I think) is a beautiful heart-warming documentary that relates to it’s viewers. Another point that excited me was that the author wrote that documentary filmmaking required a level of schizophrenia; to portray a subject you must both enter it and see the world from it’s eyes while keeping an aesthetic distance from it. After re-reading this sentence a couple of times I likened it to a lot of documentaries I had seen. You have to immerse your self in the subject completely to film it and make a documentary on it while also viewing it as an outsider, as an audience. I don’t know if I explained that well but in my head I was like wow this is deep.

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