I don’t know what to call this.

Constraints are important for creativity. I 100% absolutely definitely agree with this statement made at the lecture. Whenever I have to write s story/create something I find it so much harder when we can do whatever we want. If someone told me right now to write up a script for a short film I would absolutely no idea what to write. But if someone said write up a script that can be filmed and edited within the next 48 hours under the genre of ‘western’, I would straight away come up with something. The 48 hour film competition does this and it is heaps of fun, I entered it last year with a bunch of RMIT students. Anyway that’s besides the point.

Context can not be preserved. For example, when ‘On the Waterfront’ was released in 1954, it was made in a certain context of the time, that nowadays can never be fully understood. No one can controlled how the audience will consume something. Media is consumed the way people choose to consume it.




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