What is reality TV? Adrian stated in this lecture that these days popular reality TV isn’t actually reality. Unlike Cops and RBT that acts as a fly on the wall style of reality, the most popular reality these shows are programs like Masterchef and The Block and My Kitchen Rules. They are truly reality because at which point in time would you be asked to cook something including egg and pineapple under 30 mins? Probably never.

Adrian said these shows are more like a hybrid media project that include platforms such as twitter and phone lines for voting and public discussion.

The biggest media platform on the planet  is video games. So an element of this has been used in reality TV shows to generate users and create a game within the show. Players or contestants have challenges they have to meet, goals to conquer, and this is what is exciting.

I found that very interesting since recently I have delved into the world of marketing through job opportunities. People like to see others challenged.


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