Boss Encounters of the First Kind

So I am guessing I will be talking about my work place a lot, probably because I’m there a lot and because Clifton Hill is such an animated area where you will see all walks of life (like Terry from my previous post).

Today I was eating an apple and it reminded me of this time at work when….


I had come in the afternoon to do a 6 hour shift and there was no one in the shop except my bosses kids. They are crazy. I love them to death but jeeeeesus are they are handful.

Once I caught the youngest one (a girl aged 7) using a drill to take apart the store door, meanwhile I was trying to serve a line of angry customers craving their daily packet of winnie blues.

Anyway! When I came into work I went into the back of the store to put my bag away and grab my work t-shirt. My boss walks out of the toilet with a dripping half eaten apple on a fork. 

He looks at me and says “Yeah don’t ask.”


Apparently his son decided he didn’t want the apple he was eating and thought it would be a good idea to try and flush the apple down the toilet instead of using one of the many bins we have in the store.



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