The Unlecture Numero Dos -Tell it to my heart.

This ‘unlecture’ was the first I attended due to my boss living it up in Las Vegas last week, (I had to work every day at the shop to cover shifts).

I found the approach of the unlecture pretty different but cool like when you mix parmesan with honey (TRY IT, IT’S DELICIOUS I PROMISE).

I actually learnt quite a bit about blogging including spam filters, copyright issues ($80,000 fines… BE CAREFUL) and what to put on your blog.
I also learnt that Mattel in America scour the internet for anything Barbie related…

I didn’t know that these blog posts were in fact meant to be really short. Here I was, thinking that a blog post would have to at least reach a 500 word limit. Blog posts are actually just supposed to be informal little sketches of ideas I guess. That really inspired me to throw in random things from my head onto my blog like food and songs.

Basically blogs are full of everything and anything and my blog will be whatever crazy things run through my mind.

This lecture to me will be forever remembered as the “Tell it to My Heart” lecture, because that song was on repeat in my head. The people sitting around me heard. They probably also saw my detailed drawing of a pizza.




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