Teach Me How Networking Works ASAP

Networked Media 2019 Week 1 Oh hey Long time no see I have just made it out alive from my first week back at uni. And despite the typical moaning and groaning of how exhausted I already am,… Read More

My thoughts on the final product of Bloom MV

This Spring studio has been an amazing experience of many firsts in my works in media. It was my first time producing a music video, my first time (in a long time) working in a team where each… Read More

Fine Cut Feedback

Fine Cut of Bloom MV I was rather nervous leading up to the day of the fine cut viewing. Sophia has been doing a fantastic job editing, but I still couldn’t help get the jitters knowing that that… Read More

Production Reflection Podcast

In this podcast, San and I reflect on the two shooting days we had for our production. As it’s a little later in the semester, our places are definitely all over the head, but we somehow managed to… Read More

Directing for Bloom MV

+ Update on where we’re at in Week 6

Casting Process Podcast Episode

In this episode, San and I discuss the nightmarish week reaching out to friends to star in our MV. There were numerous turn downs and “left at seen” situations, however, we ended up meeting an amazing, talented actress… Read More

Post Pitch Presentation Podcast

Here’s our post-presentation podcast that sums up our pitch but also includes aspects that didn’t make it to the pitch and just general afterthoughts from our presentation. The first 8 minutes or so is the general summary and… Read More

reflection on PB3

I was much happier with Project Brief 3 than I was for Project Brief 2. Though, with that being said, there are still many things I wish to improve on. The first improvement I need to make is the… Read More

week 8 feedback

Is it necessary to have the title appearing both at the beginning and the end? The light leaks look a little like lens flares that don’t make sense in the context of the shot The blacks in some… Read More

week 5 workshop

activity: learning how to use the Sony MC50 by making a quick interview Having little to no experience with a film camera, I was excited to begin this task so that I could quickly learn and experiment with the functions… Read More

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