project brief 2 reflection

I was never a fan of creating portraits of myself, mainly because I am in a constant state of change and moods that it’s difficult to pin down a definite moment of my life that is “me”. Along with… Read More


Me. from Tessa Chung on Vimeo. A quick self portrait that shows a small layer of who I am. Screenshot of the editing timeline:

killing my darlings

Okay, so I didn’t actually kill any darlings, but it definitely felt like it. When I finally finished the rough draft of Project Brief 2, I noticed that it was at a length of 1:31… I needed my project… Read More

this autumn eve – a haiku

This Autumn Eve from Sophia Akenson-Klein on Vimeo. Translation: along this road no one goes this autumn eve… a haiku by Matsuo Bashou For week 2’s workshop, I paired up with Sophia to create a short sequence featuring… Read More

week 4

My thoughts on Cal Newport’s “Clarity of the Craftsman.” Since kindergarten, I have been programmed to think about my future. Ever since my name was registered into the system amongst the sea of other humans, I was set… Read More

everything has a purpose

  “The array of choices is dazzling, and as with mise-en-scene, decision making is at the center of film artistry. Forced to choose one way or another, the filmmaker pursues options that will give the viewer a specific… Read More

timelapse, booze, and more music

Osaka city from Tessa Chung on Vimeo. Making Vodka&Tonic from Tessa Chung on Vimeo. Can’t Help Falling in Love with My Dog from Tessa Chung on Vimeo.

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