Turn Down 4 Wat

For one of our class exercises, Rohan got us to play around with filming at 60fps and then slowmoing that down in post-production. As I’ve already learned how to do this, I filmed the required pen drop at… Read More

More Silhouettes

Yay another silhouette exercise! As a contrast to my first silhouette exercise, instead of using natural light to cast a silhouette, I used the light reflected off a white wall from an LED light panel. At first, I… Read More

Macro lens experiment

Taking advantage of this fickle summer weather and its tedious storms, I grabbed my macro lens and ran out into my garden to record some b roll. It was really beautiful the way the water droplets clung to… Read More

A looped silhouette shot After our first lesson playing around with the concept of silhouettes, I took my friend to my local primary school to experiment around with the effects of light and shadows. Initially, the shot was… Read More

reflection on PB3

I was much happier with Project Brief 3 than I was for Project Brief 2. Though, with that being said, there are still many things I wish to improve on. The first improvement I need to make is the… Read More

week 8 feedback

Is it necessary to have the title appearing both at the beginning and the end? The light leaks look a little like lens flares that don’t make sense in the context of the shot The blacks in some… Read More

animals tell stories better than humans

  Although Week 7’s lecture was cancelled, I still had a quick skim through the reading “Why Look at Animals?” by Gilles Aillaud. Through his discussion of the use of animals in stories, it never really occurred to… Read More

the video with no edits

I wouldn’t say that Week 7’s workshop activity was as enjoyable as the others, but it was probably one of the most educationally valuable activity as a media practitioner. As the task was to create a short film… Read More

week 5 workshop

activity: learning how to use the Sony MC50 by making a quick interview Having little to no experience with a film camera, I was excited to begin this task so that I could quickly learn and experiment with the functions… Read More

week 5

Interview /ˈɪntəvjuː/ noun. A meeting of people face to face, especially for consultation. Synonyms: meeting, discussion, conference, examination, interrogation I believe an interview is one of the most basic forms of storytelling. It is the interaction between two… Read More

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