Angel’s Halo

An in-class activity with lighting Sophia, the angel of our group Rim lighting is one of my favorite lighting effects, and who better to test this lighting set up than with Sophia and her adorable blonde pixie haircut…. Read More

Turn Down 4 Wat

For one of our class exercises, Rohan got us to play around with filming at 60fps and then slowmoing that down in post-production. As I’ve already learned how to do this, I filmed the required pen drop at… Read More

More Silhouettes

Yay another silhouette exercise! As a contrast to my first silhouette exercise, instead of using natural light to cast a silhouette, I used the light reflected off a white wall from an LED light panel. At first, I… Read More

Macro lens experiment

Taking advantage of this fickle summer weather and its tedious storms, I grabbed my macro lens and ran out into my garden to record some b roll. It was really beautiful the way the water droplets clung to… Read More

NAO || Bad Blood MV

Bad Blood by NAO was the alternative music video that I considered using for my PB2 presentation. Not only is it one of my favourite songs, but the visuals are so striking in this music video and has… Read More

SBTRKT || Wildfire MV

SBTRKT’s Wildfire music video, a feverish drug-induced visual trip, explores themes of substance use, love and sex and the horrors that come from the amalgamation of this trio. Looking at the budget of this music video production, one… Read More

A looped silhouette shot After our first lesson playing around with the concept of silhouettes, I took my friend to my local primary school to experiment around with the effects of light and shadows. Initially, the shot was… Read More


Ideas for a music video for Calavera’s A Swing and a Miss NOTE: Still not set on a particular song, but I’ve decided to brainstorm ideas and materials I have or are needed to create a music video… Read More

Telling Not Telling

A reflection on Week 1’s reading It was a pleasant surprise to discover many similarities of this week’s reading with my past courses in cinema studies. Just having recently completed a “Popular Cinema” course, I recognized a few… Read More

Dear Rohan Sprong,

As my first official post for this summer studio, I thought it’d be quite fitting to write to you in the form of a letter/email/whatever to explain what the hell I’m doing here and how the hell did… Read More

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