Fine Cut Feedback

Fine Cut of Bloom MV

I was rather nervous leading up to the day of the fine cut viewing. Sophia has been doing a fantastic job editing, but I still couldn’t help get the jitters knowing that that was the last time we were going to get feedback before final submission. Though, upon approaching the day, we were in a good state for feedback; we had all the concepts and elements there, we had prepared questions for Rohan about the cut, and we only needed minor tweaking to do that was easy to get done in the week before submission.

Rohan’s feedback was both flattering and constructive. I was grateful that he focused on making very detailed adjustments, such as specific cuts on cue and the visuals that are presented in continuity with each other. He also relieved some of our doubts on certain sections that we thought weren’t working, such as the continuity of the cut scene at the lake. Conversely, he brought our attention to certain parts that needed fixing that we hadn’t noticed. One particular comment that I’ll definitely use for future productions is his comment on shadows along curved surfaces such as a person’s arm. He pointed out that the shadow had a rather hard line and that it’d be a good fix to smooth out the shadow and make it more gradient. Such a small detail, yet could make so much difference to the visuals.

Anyway, as it’s only a few days till submission, I think we’re all ready to finish this production and this semester. It’s been a intense journey, but I’m so excited to see what Rohan thinks of the final cut as well as everyone else’s works.

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