More Silhouettes

Yay another silhouette exercise!

As a contrast to my first silhouette exercise, instead of using natural light to cast a silhouette, I used the light reflected off a white wall from an LED light panel. At first, I was struggling a lot with getting a good, clear silhouette as I initially had the light facing my friend which would still have some of her features illuminated. But luckily, I had a lightbulb moment to turn the light around to face the wall and thus use its diffusion to cast a darker silhouette of my friend.

In post-production, I simply upped the contrast and changed the highlight colours at certain keypoints that matched the accents of the music. I didn’t expect it to work this effectively, but I was really glad that it came out really well, so now I know that instead of playing around with coloured lights, I can use this technique of post-production colour grading.

Having decided to use Duan’s ‘Bloom’ as the track for this studio’s music video project, I got my friend to sing and dance along to the chorus just so that I can maybe suggest this concept to my other group members.

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