the video with no edits

I wouldn’t say that Week 7’s workshop activity was as enjoyable as the others, but it was probably one of the most educationally valuable activity as a media practitioner. As the task was to create a short film with no post-production editing and no deletion of bloopers, my group and I really needed to put our heads down and carefully plan how we were going to create our story. With the narrative needing to revolve around a “pursuit”, storyboarding the action sequence of one chasing the other needed the most planning over the rest of the story. Even as we went out of the classroom to start filming, as we took in the location, most of our production time was spent standing around and looking through the camera to discuss and argue how each shot should be filmed. As we only had one chance to film each scene, we wanted to make sure that that one take is the best take. So, as a perfectionist I was a little stressed and pushed out of my comfort zone, but I remembered that before digital cameras were made, not many old film makers had the luxury to perfect things with post production editing. The next week when we all sat down as a class to watch the final products, I had a real good laugh and was quite impressed with how each film was able to communicate their own individual storyline. Watching the final products also definitely made me appreciate the editing technology we have now, but this activity was nonetheless such a beneficial task and extra step in the art of filmmaking.

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