reflection on project brief 1

Were you nervous about presenting your work?

Always. Whether it’d be with performing live music or showing even my closest friend a 10 second video I made, my heart always races and my head spins.

What kind of feedback did you get? Was the feedback useful?

I like to believe most of the people on my table genuinely liked what I showed. They did give good criticisms such as different styles to approaching the photograph, or extending my timelapse, and as someone still learning about photography and film, I happily accepted these criticisms and hope to incorporate them into my future projects.

What is most difficult about the process and why?

The most difficult part was showing my work without any explanations, especially since some of my work do not clearly show how they connect with my life.

How might you get better at this hat system over time?

I believe just practise and constantly doing the hat feedback process thing with as many projects as we can will help us improve our projects as well as become our own critics on our work.

What might be a good way to separate the moments of receiving feedback and actually evaluating it and doing something with it?

I like to visualise myself as someone else, this usually comes easier when I have taken a break from looking at the project and move off to do something else to get my mind off it. When I have that break I can come back with fresh eyes and thus, can see the suggestions from other’s feedback and then adjust and edit my projects accordingly.

Is it worth reflecting on the feedback both close to the experience and a bit further on?

It is very beneficial to reflect on feedback at an instant, and then later on. Our minds need time to consider feedback and criticisms, and we need to let our minds refresh so that we can return to our projects with a cleaner perspective. With a fresh new set of glasses, it’ll be easier to see how we can adapt the feedback given to us and thus, in the long run, create much better content.


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