Final Prototypes

Based on the research in the post ‘Progress Report: Research and Implementation’, I made the decision to create my prototypes for implementation on Facebook. This decision was based on the Sensis data (2020). The format for Facebook advertisements are square stills. I chose to design and create 4 different prototypes/stills to allow a variety of messages to be implemented and allows for further opportunity moving forward to create and develop more stills to build upon these initial ones.

Further, based on additional research in that same post, my colour scheme of Orange, Pink, Red and Navy was decided upon. This was based on the concept that warmer colours not only appeal to consumers more, but they are more received and have more of a friendly tone to them, making the piece more inviting. This colour scheme extended to all text included, backgrounds, motifs and illustrations.

The text included in all of the stills was formulated from previous research done into Heart Disease (see ‘Progress Report: Ideation and Development) and based on statistics sourced from Australian data resources, therefore making it relevant to the Australian audience.

The inclusion of a logo in all of the stills, was done to ensure that not only are all of the stills and prototypes cohesive as a whole, but also works to make them more credible, and although the organisation included in the logo is made hypothetically, if put into practise, it emulates a feeling of reliability, cohesiveness and trust to our audience.

In creating these prototypes I opted to use Canva which is an online program that allows for the creation and development of visual pieces, specifically tailored for implementation on certain sites or platforms. It provided me with a template size that was perfect for Facebook advertising. In terms of technical competency, I found the program easy to navigate, however I did find that without paying for the premium subscription that there were certain elements I wasn’t able to access. However, it was still an extremely smooth process and the colour selection process allowed for consistency across all of my prototypes, as it allowed for the exact colour codes to be used across them all.

Prototype Implementation 

In order to demonstrate the artefacts in action, I worked on photoshop to create examples of what they would look like in practise, on Facebook. Having not used photoshop before, it was a time consuming process accompanied with a lot of YouTube tutorials and googling, but I am glad I was able to learn the basics of the program and think I will be able to utilise those skills moving forward.

Desktop Format

Mobile Format


Sensis 2020, Have your say Australia, Yellow Social Media Report, data file, Sensis, Melbourne, viewed 12 April 2020, <>.