If only

Earlier in the week I read an article about a Dutch scientist who has spent the last 5 years “growing” a burger in a lab. He claimed that incorporating lab grown foods into our diets would be beneficial for several reasons; sustainability (about 70% of the world’s “blue water withdrawals” go towards irrigation, often for the sake of animal farming), to stop widespread animal cruelty, and help provide food to third world countries, eliminating famine. This ties in neatly with what we are learning; it sounds like something from science fiction, and for so long would have been design fiction. But now the product has been designed and in a few years could be commercially marketed and become a household product. This encouraged me to think on other inventions that seem sci-fi inspired, inventions that seem too good to be true – yet have made it in the world. Things like spray on skin.

This led me to think about some other creations from science fiction and which ones are at the top of my want list:

Number Three: Dream Recorder. In comparison to the others I guess this one seems kind of trivial. The concept is simple, a machine that does the equivalent of filming your dreams so they are crisp, clear, unfragmented and rewatchable. I am in no way a spiritual or superstitious person. I don’t read horoscopes or crap my dacks when a black cat saunters past, but I am fascinated by dreaming. From a psychological position, they are captivating. They are something that we all experience but don’t have a definitive answer for. Dreams have a huge impact on the way I view my environment and how I feel in myself. Sometimes the dreams are so vivid, or strange, or emotional that I don’t know how they could be ignored.

I connect with family members who have passed away, see the most picturesque landscapes and have cryptic messages repeated. I remember once I had a dream I lived my whole life, the years passing like seconds until I was old. That must be significant. I have no theory for what it means, I don’t think it is prophetic or even reflective of any emotion present in me. But I am still so interested in it, and it was something I spent a long time reflecting on. Other times I have dreamt I am talking with my late grandfather, and a lot of the time he is very sick, which is difficult, but there is always some positivity in the experience. I also have a lot of dreams that I am being chased or there are plots to murder me. I feel like if I could replay these moments, rewind and pause and rewatch the dreams I would feel more connected to my subconscious (that sounds like hippy bullshit I know) and could perhaps pin down the meaning, or at least study them without the dream fading quickly as it so often does. But this brings me back to the time remote control, is there a danger of becoming trapped in the past, obsessed with rewatching things that have already happened? I feel like that would defeat the purpose of design fiction, where the point of designing is to be forward-looking.

Number Two: A remote control that can pause or rewind time.

sourced from http://www.popcornreel.com/jpgimg/CLICK_Dom_C-289A_wb03_comp_v5_hd_vd8_0046_r.jpg

This idea has been explored in a number of different story lines, but perhaps most memorably in Adam Sandler’s Click. Shame such a good idea is communicated in such a poor format. Whenever anyone asks what “superpower” I would most like (admittedly this conversation doesn’t come up that much) I always think that the ability to control time would be the best. However, it is the kind of tool that I would only want me to possess. I love the idea that I could mess up as tragically as I could and erase it, rewind and start again.

But for me there are so many problems with this. It seems intrinsic to human life that we make mistakes and learn from them, and a huge part of this is doing it in a public forum. You need that external judgment for it to be a real learning experience. Having this device would make every moment seem like a dress rehearsal rather than real life. When I dissect why this appeals to me, I realise the rewind function would be more to preserve memories, have the ability to rewatch moments of my past; my first word, my first kiss, first day of school, the last moments with my grandfather. But then where do you draw the line? At what point does the past fully possess you and you become lost in it?

I also like the idea of pausing time, taking a break from it all. There is the relaxation aspect of it, but also the sense that you are doing something deliciously illicit. I feel like wanting to pause time and walk around in a suspended scene alone is such an only-child desire. Craving that solitary time that I’m used to. I feel like there is something vaguely (VAGUELY) poetic in that but most of all its just sad. Who wants to feel alone in a crowded room? Maybe this is the point of design fiction, to create something seemingly fantastical, but feel free to criticize it too, seeing if it we can realistically envision it in the real world.

Number one: The Point of View Gun from the Hitchhiker’s Guide.

sourced from http://www.empireonline.com/features/absurdly-cool-movie-weapons/p12

The Hitchhiker’s guide is one of my favorite books and its inventions and ideas could give me enough material to fill up the blog for the rest of the year. The knife that toasts your bread as it butters it, the Babel fish that, once inserted in the ear, allows you to understand any language (a concept adapted in Dr Who), and the real-life thinking cap (from in the film). As Adams describes, the Point of View Gun “conveniently, does precisely as its name suggests”, and allows whoever fires it to transfer their viewpoint onto someone else. As I look back over this blog, the majority of posts are me grappling with ideas outlined by Adrian, trying to understand where he is coming from. One zap from the gun and everything about the course would be clarified for me, and vice versa, he could see why I have issues with certain comments.

I’ve had relationships disintegrate from not being able to see inside the other person’s head, desperately wanting to build trust and convey feelings, but so many things getting lost in translation. I love the idea of wordless communication, a ‘weapon’ that allows someone to enter into your mindset immediately, like an automatic clarification and empathy trigger. Imagine how much easier pitches, relationships, assignments, negotiations would be if this kind of technology existed? I guess the flipside is, seeing things from someone else’s viewpoint doesn’t always make you empathise with them.

Things that didn’t quite make the list are the neuralyzer from Men in Black (for all those moments you get foot-in-mouth or make a bad impression, and you rewrite history so that, according the to others present, it never happened. Or, take the Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind approach and wipe your own memory, eradicating all those unpleasant memories a break up leaves you with), the invisibility cloak, the “dinner pill”, which tastes and feels like a full meal but is just one pill, with none of the carbs the meal would usually have, teleportation, and cryogenic freezing that actually works. These have been left off my list because they are problematic for many reasons, but perhaps I can explore those at a later date.

Looking at the top three designs that would exist in my utopian world, I find it a little disturbing 2 of 3 encourage perpetuating solidarity, or obsessed with the past. Maybe these products don’t exist for a reason.

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