
I found the exercise in which we examined our relationships with those close to us, and a possession interesting. I chose to examine the relationship I have with my sister, and with my car key. I know that relationships are complicated, however, I have never tried to unpack my relationship, say, with my dog. Something that particularly resonated with me was the notion to stop abstracting and describe the relations that are actually there. I definitely feel as though relationships, particularly with inanimate objects, can rapidly become abstract. Going to the very root of what things and where they come from, and then how we relate to them, is interesting.


done well, do differently

I am a little bit of a mess. I think there is more I want to do differently as opposed to what I have supposedly done well. However, I know I must have done something right. I did a bit of a rush job on the reading, however, I did attempt it. One of the main areas I intend to improve on is the way in which I read texts. I tend to skim read, without really understanding and interpreting information. In future, I would like to take my time more and potentially write notes so as to further my comprehension. Moreover, I would like to be greater prepared for class and in a more learning orientated mindset.


the first class

I already feel as though what I have previously known to be true has been questioned within this first class. How I continue to learn and what I understand will change, and I know that. How it will change, however, I do not know. There is an influx of information currently, an ‘economy of excess’. And with that comes a mass of conflicting and juxtaposing information and opinions. I need to learn to develop a way of criticising and understanding information, to view it objectively for what it is. I have realised that sometimes I just take in information without truly understanding it. I take things for granted. A greater understanding of the world I live in will reflect on my skills as a media practitioner.