This week in class we were asked to choose a quote from ‘We’re happy and we know it: Documentary, data, montage’ (Dovey & Rose 2012) that is related to our developing concept for the project. My group and I actually found this task relatively difficult, as while we have developed a concept, it is not yet refined. For the project we want to explore how people interact with spaces, and present this in a way that creates a sensory experience for audiences.

We looked into a few of the possible quotes that could relate to our developing concept, however I believe that the most relevant is that related to ‘spatial montage'(Dovey & Rose 2012), which is the ‘juxtaposition of images within multiple computer windows’ (Dovey & Rose 2012). Dovey & Rose (2012) discuss spatial montage in the modern technological world and what that affords in terms of documentary making. They consider the potential of spatial montage relevant to the Kuleshov Effect, wherein meaning is derived from the juxtaposition of images through the editing process. However, in the case of spatial montage the meaning can be derived through the audience making associations of disassociations between the numerous on screen media. The actual quote I believe to be the most relevant to our project is ‘spatial montage lends itself to the presentation of connections‘ (Dovey & Rose 2012). The Whole Picture by Tony Telson (2017), is an example of utilising spatial montage to generate associations. The quote at the beginning of the project ‘I think it is important to let associations form between apparently disparate ideas’ (Andrew Motion, cited in Telson 2017), accentuates the notion of the audience making connections between the various media fragments even if they are seemingly unrelated. This makes me question whether audiences will always try to make associations between unrelated fragments? Is it innate for the audience to try to create a story from nothing?

Connecting this learning and understanding of spatial montage back to the upcoming project, we will inherently incorporate spatial montage. As our initial vision for the format of our project was conceived with the Korsakow software in mind, we intend for the interface to include multiple fragments of media on the one screen. At the moment our idea for the interface is to have one landscape shot surrounded by multiple close up shots. However, dissimilar to ‘The Whole Picture’, it is our intention that the associations and connections between the various close up shots are obvious to the audience. We want the  audience to make visual connections as well as other associations between the various media fragments. We want to create a sensory experience for the audience through the aesthetic and movement within the shots, portraying how we interact with spaces and what this may mean to the audience.

We presented our idea in class to other groups and received feedback in terms of what they liked but also what we could improve on. Generally, our concept for the assignment was well received by other groups. Albeit we did struggle to articulate our idea for the project to the other groups, once it was understood we were met with largely positive responses. However, in terms of improvement we did receive feedback that we need to refine the interaction aspect of the project. In terms of how each interface will link to the next through audience interaction and connections between landscapes. This aspect of our idea definitely needs to be developed more, however we are still struggling to develop a way in which to achieve this.

Dover, Jon and Mandy Rose. “We’re Happy and We Know It: Documentary, Data, Montage.” Studies in Documentary Film, vol. 6, no. 2, Jan 2012


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