
So apparently all my blog titles consist of randomly made up names. What’s new.

There has been a relatively large lapse in posting on this blog. Yes. I am acknowledging it. I am not proud. I am not going to sit around making excuses, I am just going to move on.

Easter break was absolutely chaotic, however, I managed to read through ‘Rethinking the Animate, Reanimating Thought’ by Tim Ingold a fair few times. The first time I read it I feel as though absolutely nothing resonated with me, albeit I honestly was not in the mindset to understand anything at that time. The second time I read it, the content started to make more sense. While I am still unsure I completely understand everything Ingold t postulates, it has made me think. A lot.

As we were required to complete a list of 20 questions from the text, I found myself questioning everything. I would then attempt to answer my own questions, of which I was sometimes successful in doing so. Otherwise, they would be added to the list. I actually liked the process, it helped my to think about things further than I normally would.

So, this is my attempt at getting back into blogging. Let’s hope I continue.

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