Semester 2 Media Studio Ballot

The Semester 2 Ballot Process has now ended.

Media Studios are timetabled SEPARATELY to MyTimetable. The times and days of each studio session will be made available with the Studio Descriptions before you ballot. PLEASE CHECK days/times against your other commitments BEFORE selecting your studio. You will also need to select activities for your other classes AROUND your studio times.

On Wednesday 25 May, the Studio Descriptions will be published on this website. Read through them carefully, before entering your top three preferences into the ballot on Thursday 26 May.

The below checklist will be updated with appropriate links at each stage.

Semester 2 Ballot Procedure:

✔️ 23 May – Draft timetable available to view in MyTimetable

✔️ 25 May – Studio descriptions/times released — AVAILABLE NOW

✔️ 26 May – Studio ballot opens

✔️ 5 Jun – Studio ballot closes 11:59pm

✔️ 9 Jun – Studio allocations Round 1 released

✔️ 10 Jun – Timetable preferencing opens

✔️ 23 Jun – Studio allocations Final Round released — AVAILABLE NOW

✔️ 24 Jun – Timetable preferencing closes


Important note: added – 29 jan

The myTimetable people accidentally allowed you to preference the studios in your timetable. This has now been turned off.
But, you are able to enter in your preferences for your other courses till 5pm Monday 7 February 2022 (and, again, it is not ‘first in, first served’ so there is no rush). And the Review and allocation adjustment opens 10am Tuesday 15 February 2022 for another month.

from previous posts:

Do not try to select your studio in timetable preferencing –  the media studio ballot and allocation process happens outside of myTimetable.

Don’t preference tutorial times for your other courses (context and electives) that take place at the same times as your studio. Your studio class times will be entered for you in your timetable (but possibly not until after the preferencing period).

Remember that all lectures and screenings are online and/or recorded so those kinds of clashes shouldn’t be an issue.



MyTimetable preferencing opens today.

Don’t preference tutorial times for your other courses (context and electives) that take place at the same times as your studio. Your studio class times will be entered for you in your timetable (but possibly not until after the preferencing period).

Remember that all lectures are online and recorded so those kinds of clashes shouldn’t be an issue.

If you have been allocated to an On-Campus studio (this is stated at the end of the studio title the timetable below) and aren’t able to come on campus, please get back to us ASAP

Requests for studio swaps are only possible in genuinely exceptional circumstances – and these do not include clashes with paid work, internship opportunities, wanting to reduce days in and/or travel time and so on.
We appreciate these things are important and real issues but the numbers of students involved in the studios make post-allocation swaps unfeasible and the current system is as equitable as we can get it.

Any questions about particular studios should be sent in the first instance to Studio Co-Coordinators (please address to both. And when replied to PLEASE REPLY ALL):
Dan Binns,
Paul Ritchard,


Here is the timetable – each studio has two classes per week (3 hour + 2 hour) and you need to be available to attend both of them:

Studio prac1 time room prac2 time room
DIRECTING PERFORMANCE Investigating acting performance as a core component on screen – ONLINE Tue 11.30- 2.30 (3hr) Online Thu 1.30-3.30 (2hrs) Online
DOING MOBILE MEDIA Practice, Placemaking and Performativity – ONLINE Tue 1.30-4.30 (3hrs) Online Wed 1.30-3.30 (2hrs) Online
FIX THE APP Understanding platforms with social theories; designing apps to make them better to live with – ONLINE Mon 1.30-4.30 (3hrs) Online Thu 1.30-3.30 (2hrs) Online
FUTURE MACHINA Creating Contemporary Futurology with Film, Video, Audio & Immersive Art – ONLINE Tue 1.30-4.30 (3hrs) Online Thu 1.30-3. 30 (2hrs) Online
PRODUCTION ON A SHOESTRING How financial constraints enable distinct creative solutions – ONLINE Tue 1.30-4.30 (3hrs) Online Thu 1.30-3.30 (2hrs) Online
AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL MEDIA Making media art about the internet and the self – ON CAMPUS Tue 2.30-5.30 (3hrs) 010.02.062 Fri 11.30-1.30 (2hrs) 010.02.062
ECO VIDEO Crafting ecological intimacy – ON CAMPUS Mon 9.30-12.30 (3hrs) 010.02.062 Fri 11.30-1.30 (2hrs) 012.02.104
MAKE HASTE! FILM WASTE! – Communicating the circular economy – ON CAMPUS Wed 12.30-2.30 (2hrs) 010.02.062 Fri 2.30-5.30 (3hrs) 012.02.104
MEDIA BODIES Exploring film and sound with technology, place and the body – ON CAMPUS Tue 9.30-12.30 (3hrs) 012.02.104 Thu 11.30-1.30 (2hrs) 010.02.062
READY CAMERA ONE Multi-camera studio production – ON CAMPUS Mon 12.30-2.30 (2hrs) 010.02.062 Thu 12.30-3.30 (3hrs) 012.02.104
REAL TO REEL Self directed non-fiction project – ON CAMPUS Tue 12.30-2.30 (2hrs) 012.02.104 Thu 2.30-5.30 (3hrs) 010.02.062
ROOM WITH A VIEW Broadcast radio as a collaborative space and enduring audio medium – ON CAMPUS Mon 12.30-3.30 (3hrs) 012.02.104 Thu 3.30-5.30 (2hrs) 012.02.104
SOCIAL VIDEO Designing and producing social video for art galleries – ON CAMPUS Tue 9.30-12.30 (3hrs) 010.02.062 Wed 3.30-5.30 (2hrs) 012.02.104
THE FESTIVAL EXPERIENCE Conceiving and mounting a film festival – ON CAMPUS Wed 9.30-12.30 (3hrs) 010.02.062 Fri 9.30-11.30 (2hrs) 010.02.062
THE SCENE IN CINEMA Studies in camera coverage – ON CAMPUS Mon 9.30-12.30 (3hrs) 012.02.104 Thu 9.30-11.30 (2hrs) 010.02.062
THINKING WITH PICTURES The personal essay film – ON CAMPUS Tue 2.30-5.30 (3hrs) 012.02.104 Fri 1.30-3.30 (2hrs) 010.02.062
TO BE AT SEA Making site-responsive media in uncertain times – ON CAMPUS Wed 2.30-5.30 (3hrs) 010.02.062 Fri 3.30-5.30 (2hrs) 010.02.062


Sem 1 2022 Media Studio Descriptions and Ballot Form

Please read ALL OF THIS POST to the end and take the time to digest it before you go to the ballot link – apologies for the length but it is all relevant. 

Only students enrolled/enrolling in MEDIA 3 and MEDIA 5 in Sem 1 2022 should fill in the ballot (not Media 1).

It is not ‘first in, first served’ so take your time to read the studio descriptions before filling in the form.

The ballot closes Tuesday 25 Jan (11.59pm)
(If you miss the ballot you will be allocated to a studio where places remain available).

Please ensure you select a different studio for each of your three preferences. If you select the same studio more than once you will be placed in a different studio at the Studio Coordinator’s discretion.

This is not a guaranteed *selection* but an indication of preference – you may not get your first or second choice. Don’t sweat it – all of the studios are great and missing out on a particular one this semester won’t ruin your degree experience or CV.

In semester 1 we will run:
5 studios taught ONLINE ONLY
12 studios taught ON CAMPUS (these will combine face-to-face and online sessions)

You should not preference any of the ON CAMPUS studios if you will not be in Melbourne for any part of semester 1 or do not want to attend campus.

Here is the Media Studios description book: STUDIO DESCRIPTIONS SEM 1 2022

Here is the timetable – each studio has two classes per week (3 hour + 2 hour) and you need to be available to attend both of them:

Studio prac1 time room prac2 time room
DIRECTING PERFORMANCE Investigating acting performance as a core component on screen – ONLINE Tue 11.30- 2.30 (3hr) Online Thu 1.30-3.30 (2hrs) Online
DOING MOBILE MEDIA Practice, Placemaking and Performativity – ONLINE Tue 1.30-4.30 (3hrs) Online Wed 1.30-3.30 (2hrs) Online
FIX THE APP Understanding platforms with social theories; designing apps to make them better to live with – ONLINE Mon 1.30-4.30 (3hrs) Online Thu 1.30-3.30 (2hrs) Online
FUTURE MACHINA Creating Contemporary Futurology with Film, Video, Audio & Immersive Art – ONLINE Tue 1.30-4.30 (3hrs) Online Thu 1.30-3. 30 (2hrs) Online
PRODUCTION ON A SHOESTRING How financial constraints enable distinct creative solutions – ONLINE Tue 1.30-4.30 (3hrs) Online Thu 1.30-3.30 (2hrs) Online
AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL MEDIA Making media art about the internet and the self – ON CAMPUS Tue 2.30-5.30 (3hrs) 010.02.062 Fri 11.30-1.30 (2hrs) 010.02.062
ECO VIDEO Crafting ecological intimacy – ON CAMPUS Mon 9.30-12.30 (3hrs) 010.02.062 Fri 11.30-1.30 (2hrs) 012.02.104
MAKE HASTE! FILM WASTE! – Communicating the circular economy – ON CAMPUS Wed 12.30-2.30 (2hrs) 010.02.062 Fri 2.30-5.30 (3hrs) 012.02.104
MEDIA BODIES Exploring film and sound with technology, place and the body – ON CAMPUS Tue 9.30-12.30 (3hrs) 012.02.104 Thu 11.30-1.30 (2hrs) 010.02.062
READY CAMERA ONE Multi-camera studio production – ON CAMPUS Mon 12.30-2.30 (2hrs) 010.02.062 Thu 12.30-3.30 (3hrs) 012.02.104
REAL TO REEL Self directed non-fiction project – ON CAMPUS Tue 12.30-2.30 (2hrs) 012.02.104 Thu 2.30-5.30 (3hrs) 010.02.062
ROOM WITH A VIEW Broadcast radio as a collaborative space and enduring audio medium – ON CAMPUS Mon 12.30-3.30 (3hrs) 012.02.104 Thu 3.30-5.30 (2hrs) 012.02.104
SOCIAL VIDEO Designing and producing social video for art galleries – ON CAMPUS Tue 9.30-12.30 (3hrs) 010.02.062 Wed 3.30-5.30 (2hrs) 012.02.104
THE FESTIVAL EXPERIENCE Conceiving and mounting a film festival – ON CAMPUS Wed 9.30-12.30 (3hrs) 010.02.062 Fri 9.30-11.30 (2hrs) 010.02.062
THE SCENE IN CINEMA Studies in camera coverage – ON CAMPUS Mon 9.30-12.30 (3hrs) 012.02.104 Thu 9.30-11.30 (2hrs) 010.02.062
THINKING WITH PICTURES The personal essay film – ON CAMPUS Tue 2.30-5.30 (3hrs) 012.02.104 Fri 1.30-3.30 (2hrs) 010.02.062
TO BE AT SEA Making site-responsive media in uncertain times – ON CAMPUS Wed 2.30-5.30 (3hrs) 010.02.062 Fri 3.30-5.30 (2hrs) 010.02.062



Allocations will be finalised and posted on the Mediafactory site on Friday 28th Jan (5pm) (apologies – running a day late)

Don’t preference tutorial times for your other courses (context and electives) that take place at the same times as your studio. Your studio class times will automatically be entered for you in your timetable (but possibly not until after the preferencing period).

Do not try to select your studio in timetable preferencing –  the media studio ballot process happens outside of, and is separate to this. You are not permitted/able to change your studio in myTimetable. 

Timetable preferencing is open for your other courses from Friday 28 Jan (and, again, is not ‘first in, first served’ so there is no rush).


Remember that all lectures are online and/or recorded so those kinds of clashes shouldn’t be an issue.

Requests for studio swaps are only possible in genuinely exceptional circumstances – and these do not include clashes with paid work, internship opportunities, wanting to reduce days in and/or travel time and so on. We appreciate these things are important and real issues but the numbers of students involved in the studios make post-allocation swaps unfeasible and the current system is as equitable as we can get it.

Any questions about particular studios should be sent in the first instance to Studio Co-Coordinators (please address to both):

Dan Binns,

Paul Ritchard,

Thanks for reading to the (almost) end!

>>>THIS IS THE LINK TO THE BALLOT FORM where you should enter your preferences.

Studio Co-Coordinators

Semester 1 2022 BALLOT dates & other info

*This post is only relevant to students enrolled/enrolling in either COMM2625 Media 3 or COMM2627 Media 5 in semester 1, 2022. It does not apply to students enrolling in COMM2624 Media 1]

Allocation to media studios (for Media 3 and Media 5 courses) in Semester One 2022 will be determined by a balloting process in January. Your studio will be your Media 3 or 5 course. There will be around 17 studios on offer and you make your preference selection based on the studios description book available when the ballot opens.

Communication about the ballot will be via student email to correctly enrolled Media 3 and Media 5 students but also posted here on the MediaFactory studios page.

We’re planning for the majority of studios to be taught face-to-face on RMIT’s city campus. There will also be a small number of studios that are offered as online only. You will need to identify which you are available for at the time of balloting.

PLEASE FILL OUT THIS BRIEF FORM to give us an idea of whether you are planning to study face to face on campus or online in 2022 – even if you aren’t completely certain at the moment it helps our planning if we have some idea of what issues students are currently weighing up in relation to this.

It is crucial to note that the ballot process is completely separate to myTimetable – you can not select studios via Timetable preferencing. The Studio Co-Coordinators determine allocations and advise students of these and also arrange for that allocation to be entered in myTimetable (where it cannot be changed).

If you miss completing the ballot you can still do a studio but will be automatically allocated to one where there is a space. It will not be possible to change that allocation.

Balloting will only be accepted for students correctly enrolled at the time in COMM2626 Media 3 and COMM2628 Media 5 in semester one, 2022.

These are the relevant dates for this process for semester one in 2022:

  • Wed 19 Jan (5pm) – Studio Description Book and Media studio timetable sent/available and BALLOT OPENS
  • Tues 25 Jan (11.59pm) – Ballot closes
  • Fri 28 Jan (11.59pm) – Students advised of studio allocations 
    • Note: The allocations will be automatically entered in your myTimetable but this may not happen straight away. Remember to preference your other courses around your allocation]
  • Fri 28 Jan (10am)– Timetable preferencing for your OTHER COURSES opens

Don’t forget to occasionally check in on your RMIT emails over the break.

For any questions please email direct both of the current Studio Co-Coordinators

2021 :: Semester Two Studio Sites

Over in the Media Factory


All semesters are good semesters but this semester was quite remarkable. It’s important to avoid words like agile, flexible or pivoting but what came out of the changes we all had to make for the fourth semester running is quite remarkable.

Check each studios’ site listed below to see the range of excellent work that was produced. 

Arts-based placemaking and filmmaking 

Exploring alternative media technology through analysis and making experiments 

Creating media manifestos that interrogate cinema canons

Making media collections through, with and about the sensing body

Food and food culture on the small screen (Links to an external site.)

The learning of filmmaking guided by prompts and constraints

The practice of narrative film production

Screen art and film workshop

Poetic approaches to media production 

Designing and producing Instagram video for art galleries 

Podcast production foregrounding Gen Z voices

Self directed non-fiction project

Educating and engaging through cinematic experiments

Writing narrative scripts in collaboration

Investigating news satire and parody in a post-broadcast era 

Studios described here (broken into online and face to face although all had to be  online):
ONLINE Media studios sem 2_2021
ON CAMPUS Media studios sem 2_2021



Over in the Media Factory




CHECK THE SITE  The five project groups in the studio will be discussing with the client the final improvements needed to take their 5 x 60-second video edits towards publishing on the art gallery Instagram feed. Guests are welcome to attend anytime. 

For more information on this studio visit the IV webpage.














Monday 18 October

TO ATTEND Students will present the video teasers that they have made to promote their self-developed platforms and they will present their completed platforms like tech-entrepreneurs!





Tuesday 19 October

THE NEWS IS A JOKE 12.30pm – 2.00pm
TO ATTEND Screening of student comedy news segments (satire and parody)

TO ATTEND Live Readings of Scripts

Thursday 21 October

TO ATTEND 4 groups with collections of films and audio work

TO ATTEND 13 x 5min short doc films with a chance to socialise/chat/comment at the end

Friday 22 October

SCREEN LAB 1.30 pm
TO ATTEND Exhibition Showcase of video work for the ACMI website

Monday 25 October

TO ATTEND A curated playlist of the students’ work from across the semester. There is a variety including essay-films, animations, experimental narrative short films, and music videos. 

TO ATTEND End of semester celebration + screening of 2 x interactive video works & 2 x linear film works + introductions from students

Wednesday 27 October

TO ATTEND 6 group project suites of media works

Thursday 28 October

TO ATTEND 4 group projects

Friday 29 October

TO ATTEND A chequerboard screening of both studios’ works

Studios described here (broken into online and face to face. All had to be online):

ONLINE Media studios sem 2_2021

ON CAMPUS Media studios sem 2_2021



Your studio times will be automatically entered into the timetable system – before the semester start.

Requests for studio swaps are only possible in genuinely exceptional circumstances – and these do not include clashes with paid work, internship opportunities, wanting to reduce days etc. We appreciate these things are important and real issues but the numbers of students involved in the studios make post-allocation swaps unfeasible and the current system is as equitable as we can get it.

Any questions about particular studios should be sent in the first instance to Studio Co-Coordinators (please address to both):
Paul Ritchard,
Brian Morris,

See the studio you‘ve been allocated to here.

Due to higher numbers of enrolees we have put on another studio of DECONSTRUCTING/RECONSTRUCTING GENRE

Below is the timetable. Each studio has four classes per week  2 x (3 hour + 2 hour) = 10hours. You need to be available to attend all of them:

1 DECONSTRUCTING/RECONSTRUCTING GENRE Filmic explorations in the implosion of genre
Monday 11.30-2.20 and 3.30-5.20 &
Wednesday 11.30-2.20 and 3.30-5.20

2 DECONSTRUCTING/RECONSTRUCTING GENRE Filmic explorations in the implosion of genre
Tuesday 11.30-2.20 and 3.30-5.20 &
Friday 11.30-2.20 and 3.30-5.20

DIRECTING PERFORMANCE Investigating acting performance as a core component on screen
Monday 11.30-2.20 and 3.30-5.20 &
Thursday 11.30-2.20 and 3.30-5.20

POETIC VIDEO Listing the everyday
Tuesday 11.30-2.20 and 3.30-5.20 &
Thursday 11.30-2.20 and 3.30-5.20

FLEX semester 2021 Media Studio Descriptions and Ballot Form

Please READ ALL of this to the end and take the time to digest

Due to current COVID circumstances, all three studios will be taught completely online for this flex semester

Any queries  should be sent to both Studio Co-Coordinators:
Brian Morris, &
Paul Ritchard

The Studios

If you are new to studios, the allocation process to your studio is not done through timetabling, it is through the ballot below. Allocation is at the discretion of the studio coordinators Brian and Paul. Do not try to select your studio in timetable preferencing –  the media studio ballot process happens outside of and is separate to this. You are not permitted/able to change your studio in myTimetable. 

Requests for studio swaps are only possible in genuinely exceptional circumstances – and these do not include clashes with paid work, internship opportunities, wanting to reduce days etc. We appreciate these things are important and real issues but the numbers of students involved in the studios make post-allocation swaps unfeasible and the current system is as equitable as we can get it.

Download the  Media Studio Descriptions Book – 2021 Spring Flex

Semester dates 01/11/2021 – 17/12/2021
Contact hours: 2 days per week, 5 hours per day (11.30am-2.20pm and 3.30pm-5.20pm )

Studio Times:

DECONSTRUCTING/RECONSTRUCTING GENRE Filmic explorations in the implosion of genre
Monday 11.30-2.20 and 3.30-5.20 &
Wednesday 11.30-2.20 and 3.30-5.20

DIRECTING PERFORMANCE Investigating acting performance as a core component on screen
Monday 11.30-2.20 and 3.30-5.20 &
Thursday 11.30-2.20 and 3.30-5.20

POETIC VIDEO Listing the everyday
Tuesday 11.30-2.20 and 3.30-5.20 &
Thursday 11.30-2.20 and 3.30-5.20

The Ballot

  • The ballot is not ‘first in, first served’ so take a little time to read and consider the studio descriptions before filling in. You can adjust your preferences while the ballot is still open by emailing Paul AND Brian.
  • Please ensure you select a different studio for each of your three preferences. If you select the same studio more than once this will render your vote invalid and you will be placed in a different studio at the Studio Coordinator’s discretion.
  • This is not a guaranteed *selection* but an indication of preferencedepending on what is popular you may not get your first or second choice of studio. Don’t sweat it – all of the studios are great and missing out on a particular one this semester won’t ruin your degree experience or CV.
  • We reserve the right to not allocate students to new studios led by staff who have taught them in a studio before. If a studio is similar to one you’ve done before then it is advisable not to nominate it as a preference. Variety is important for everyone.
  • The ballot will close 11.59pm on Thursday 7 October. Any entries after this time and date won’t count for the allocation process.
  • You will receive your studio allocation by Monday 11th of October

>>>THIS IS THE LINK TO BALLOT FORM where you should enter your preferences. Please read the studio descriptions before entering your preferences.

Thanks for reading to the end!

Flex Term Media Studios November-December 2021

Media Studio Flyer – Flex 2021 for details

We are pleased to announce preliminary details of the 2021 Flex Term Media Studio courses.

Each studio course gains 24 points credit and is run intensively over six weeks (i.e. double the usual weekly contact hours) in mixed course groups

Who needs to take these courses?

You must enrol in one of these courses if you:

  • started the BP221ACC 2.5 year accelerated program in July 2021 and don’t have a course credit for Media 2
  • failed a studio and need to repeat it

Those of you who don’t fit into these categories might still like to consider doing a studio to lighten your study load in a future semester.

Studio Co-Coordinators

Brian Morris (email: and
Paul Ritchard ( – please email both re inquiries


Hi all


MyTimetable preferencing opens today.

Please don’t preference tutorial times for your other courses (context and electives) that take place at the same times as your studio.
Remember that all lectures are online and recorded so those kinds of clashes shouldn’t be an issue.

Your studio times will be automatically entered into the timetable system – towards the end of the timetabling process.

If you have been allocated to an On-Campus studio (this is stated at the end of the studio title) and aren’t able to come on campus, please get back to us ASAP

Requests for studio swaps are only possible in genuinely exceptional circumstances – and these do not include clashes with paid work, internship opportunities, wanting to reduce days in and/or travel time and so on.
We appreciate these things are important and real issues but the numbers of students involved in the studios make post-allocation swaps unfeasible and the current system is as equitable as we can get it.

Any questions about particular studios should be sent in the first instance to Studio Co-Coordinators (please address to both):
Paul Ritchard,

Brian Morris,

Thanks for reading to the (almost) end!

See the studio you‘ve been allocated to here.

Below is the timetable – each studio has two classes per week (3 hour + 2 hour) and you need to be available to attend both of them:

studio name prac 1 room prac 2 room
ALTERNATIVE MOBILE MEDIA Online Only Monday 2.30 to 5.30 online Thursday 12.30 to 2.30 online
COOKING UP A STORM Online Only Monday 12.30 – 3.30 online Thursday 11:30-13:30 online
EXPERIMENT.SCREEN.SENSATION Online Only Monday 12.30 – 3.30 online Wednesday 12.30 – 2.30 online
REAL TO REEL Online Only Tuesday 2.30 – 4.30 online Thursday 1.30 – 4.30 online
A CAPITOL IDEA! On Campus Wednesday 1.30 – 3.30 12.2.104 Friday 9.30 – 12.30 10.2.62
CANON FODDER On Campus Wednesday 9.30 – 12.30 10.2.62 Thursday 9.30 – 11.30 12.2.104
DELIBERATE FILM On Campus Tuesday 9.30 – 12.30 12.2.104 Thursday 3.30 – 5.30 12.2.104
DESIGNING DRAMA  On Campus Monday 9.30 – 12.30 12.2.104 Wednesday 3.30 -5.30 12.2.104
INFINITE LISTS On Campus Monday 9.30 – 12.30 10.2.62 Friday 12.30 – 2.30 10.2.62
COLLECTING EMBODIMENT On Campus Tuesday 9.30 – 12.30 10.2.62 Thursday 1.30 – 3.30 12.2.104
INSTAGRAM VIDEO On Campus Monday 12.30 – 2.30 10.2.62 Thursday 12.30 – 3.30 10.2.62
THE NEWS IS A JOKE On Campus Tuesday 12.30 – 2.30 10.2.62 Friday 2.30 – 5.30 10.2.62
SCREEN LAB On Campus Tuesday 3.30 – 5.30 12.2.104 Friday 1.30 – 4.30 12.2.104
SOCIAL SCRIPTWRITING On Campus Monday 3.30 – 5.30 12.2.104 Tuesday 2.30 – 5.30 10.2.62
TRANSFORMING PUBLIC FUTURES On Campus Monday 12.30 – 3.30 12.2.104 Thursday 3.30 – 5.30 10.2.62