sem 1 ’23 timetable and allocations


  • For reasons out of our hands, the studio times may not appear in your timetable for a while. The studio you have been allocated to, either in the allocations below or by email from the studio coordinators is the studio you are in



  • You do not need to select your studio in myTimetable – this will be done automatically.


  • Please put in your preferences for non-studio classes around your allocated studio. 


  • You may not have got your first studio preference but remember, all studios are fantastic. We can only change your studio allocation under very special circumstances. Work shift and timetabling clashes are not valid reasons. Your studio is your core study so you may need to move things around your studio.


  • For any queries, please use this form and we’ll get back to you within 48 hours. 
    • After submitting your query to the form we will reply in email. You must Reply All if there a few people cceed.


  • Here are the studio allocations and timetable.
    • Please note: the latest allocations are:
      • in your mytimeable or
      • as you’ve been notified by the studio coordinators in email                           
    • 1’23 Studios Timetable
      • NOTE: if you are new to studios you will see two classes for each studio. You need to attend BOTH

Yours in Studio

Paul, Dan and Alan