Allocation to a specific media studio is determined by a balloting process. After reading the studio descriptions booklet you are given the opportunity to nominate your top three studio preferences from the 15 studios on offer.
It is important to note that this process happens outside of – and completely replaces -Timetable preferencing.
Balloting will only be accepted for students correctly enrolled in COMM2627 Media 4 in semester two, 2021.
The Studio Co-Coordinators Brian and Paul will determine which studio you are allocated to. If you miss completing the ballot within the timeframe below you can still do a studio but will be automatically allocated to one where there is a space. It will not be possible to change that allocation.
These are the relevant dates for this process:
- 4th of June Friday (5pm) – Studio Description Book sent/available and Ballot opens
- 9th of June Wednesday (11.59pm) – Ballot closes
- 15th June Tuesday (5pm) – Students advised of their studio allocations [these will be automatically entered in your myTimetable for you – you can not change them]
- 15th to 28th of June – Timetable preferencing is open for your OTHER COURSES (please note that it isn’t ‘first in first served’)
Communication about the ballot will be via student email to enrolled students Media 4 and also posted to
As in last semester, we will be running 4 or 5 studios online to cater for those overseas or who can’t travel into Melbourne
For our planning purposes, it would be a huge help if we know where and how you will be studying next semester so could you please fill out this form
Hope the rest of your semester goes well. If you are returning from a leave of absence or new to the studios we look forward to having you onboard after your well-earned break.
Please get back to us if there are any questions. It’s much easier to answer questions and solve potential issues now than in week 2 of semester 2.