Semester 1 2018 Studios

Here are  the ten studios described

Please read this  FAQ for the Studios 

Please read all points below:

1. It is NOT, first in first served – so choose only after you’ve read ALL studio pitches. The ballot closes November 17th

2. You will receive a confirmation email telling you your response has been submitted – you can edit your response from there if you so wish

3. Attempt to add breadth to your degree – try a studio that’s different to the ones you’ve worked in previously and wherever possible try to work with different people

4. You must submit your response from YOUR account
If you have any problems with the ballot please contact us and we’ll enter it in for you – do not get another student to do it

You need to be in your RMIT account to access the ballot. The easiest way is to log into your RMIT google drive. Also, I would suggest having one browser (eg Chrome) for your RMIT email and google drive and another (eg Firefox or Safari) for your personal stuff.

The Ballot