We’ve now finalised the days and times for the semester one media studios – Sem 1 2016 studio timetable_19Dec. (The room locations are subject to change and you should check these the week your classes begin).
There will probably be quite a few timetable clashes (out of the Program’s control) -> cinema studies strand students in particular look closely at when your lecture and screenings take place (and do note that some cinema courses don’ have lectures – e.g. Histories of Film Theories while others do – True Lies).
Current draft timetable here: https://sts.rmit.edu.au/STS-ReadOnly/results.jsp
Here is our working map of clashes between individual studios and context course lectures and screenings.
We will not be processing timetable clash requests until the beginning of February 2016 (see the attached information notes). The important bit in the notes is this:
Students with clashes between their studio time and any lectures/screenings of core courses (i.e. context courses) should write to brian.morris@rmit.edu.au in the week 1st-17th February 2016, well BEFORE Student Timetabling System opens (19th Feb), to request a change to their next studio preference. Timetable clashes will not be processed before these dates. Just to remind you and be clear: a timetable clash in this instance only applies to compulsory context course lectures and/or screenings without alternatives. Not to electives or tutorials.
Do write to me as soon as you are aware of a clash (before Feb is fine). I can’t tell you at this stage how we will process legitimate timetable clashes. Our priority is to keep studios at a similar, equitable size. If you originally got your second choice you may go to your original third pref or to first pref depending on where the spaces open up.
The arrangements for ‘It’s Alive’ and ‘Room With a View’ are a bit different (it isn’t a typo) as they will also involve some time at partner facilities such as the RMIT-TV studio and RRR studios (generally on the same day as the scheduled class time/s; sometimes during that time sometimes outside of it on the same day). You will find out more about this when studios commence.