Project 3 Sketch 6 – Style

For this sketch I made a relatively quick montage highlighting ‘amusing’ moments that I encountered whilst playing GTA V. Here I’m simply exploring what kind of styles are suitable for certain online services. This sketch in particular is short, ranging from 1-2 minutes. This short montage is accompanied by music to help enhance the concept explored through the video (amusement).

In my opinion something like this would be suitable for services such as YouTube and Facebook where it’s easily shared and distributed. As stated in the earlier sketch, a montage tends to be targeted to as many people who find it interesting. Personally however, I think that something like this is more suited for a Facebook video because of several reasons:

1. It’s simplicity, not a lot of work has been put into this and the music has simply been placed over the game sound and commentary. Compared to YouTube, this video works better amongst friends and peers as opposed to a wider community more inclined to ‘dislike’ the video.

2. It’s duration. It’s only a minute long video which means it’s more comfortable watching on a social media network where people tend to scroll through and move through the news feed quickly. On the other hand however, people tend to go to YouTube for more in-depth and higher quality work when it comes to things like gaming montages or any gaming video in general really.

Of course this kind of video wouldn’t really work in other sites like Vimeo as the audience tends to be smaller and when people make these kind of videos, they expect them to get as many views as possible.

Note: Tried to upload it to facebook embed it to this post, but it wasn’t really working out.


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