At the start of the course, I really didn’t know how to use any of the editing programs such as Audition and Premiere, and the recorders and cameras and I felt a bit out of my depth. It was also difficult at the beginning as my laptop couldn’t handle all of the new software being downloaded, making it very difficult for me to edit anything.
But slowly and surely things just clicked and I once I learnt a new skill I would remember it for the next time such as learning how to put cut-aways in on top of other video in Premiere and razor and moving different clips in Audition.
I also learnt how to record sound on a H2N Zoom and transfer that data onto a computer to download and edit in Audition. Within the editing process I learnt how to create effects on the sound and use this to develop more meaning and texture in a piece.
This was really helpful for my final assignment as we had to do a lot of recording, editing and transferring data.
Through the completion of the small video recording assignment in groups, I learnt how to compose an “interview” style video, ask open ending questions when interviewing, finding the right location to shoot, and manually adjusting the camera to suit the surroundings.…ent-life-at-rmit/
These basic skills in regards to video and audio recording, editing and uploading were essential to the way I approached PB3 and PB4 as I was now on my own to combine all of my skills in a short video or audio project.
On the theory side of things, I learnt a lot about how media has changed over the years as well as the structural elements of sound, interviews and visual and audio essays.
Many of the readings I found interesting as they related to the course and reading them I thought that was it was really cool that authors had picked up on such new concepts surrounding media.
From the course, I found out how I learn as a student. One of my goals for the semester was to try and get to every single lectorial and workshop possible as I believe that I work best when I am there in class working with a tutor and my peers. I find this environment really motivating as I am surrounded by people who are all heading in the same direction and working on similar things. I also found out that I work well in study areas such as RMIT Connect or study rooms in specific buildings as I feel I can focus a lot more without being distracted by things I normally would at home.
Within the course, I found it most challenging to stay on top of my blogs, as on top of the other work due, they were always at the back of my mind. I felt like even after I had finished a big project/assignment there was still more to do. I pushed myself to pump out my blogs but in future would like to do more and of better quality, I just found it hard to find the time. I also found it challenging at the beginning of the course with my faulty laptop as I was falling behind with a lot of assessments due. It started me off on a bad foot and it was only after I bought a new laptop, I could really get into the course. I felt like my old laptop was holding me back in the class because it just wouldn’t let me do things I needed to do.
What I discovered about my own creative practice was that I really enjoy sharing ideas with people and making things happen instead of just waiting around I pushed myself to learn how to use Audition and Premiere by watching tutorials online and googling issues I was having as I knew those skills would be fundamental in me succeeding in the course in the future. After receiving each brief, I approached each one in a different way from the last. The first project I was very scattered with how I managed to pull things together as I didn’t really know what I was doing. But by project brief 4, I systematically approached the task, laying out goals with my group and guidelines for how we should tackle it. I felt more professional to the end of the semester, as I was collaborating as a group and following procedures that I may follow in the future.
Overall I have really enjoyed my first semester in this course and am nervous but excited about what is to come in the next few semesters as well as thinking about work experience.