I’m really not sure why I wrote the title of this post in a Kiwi accent. But it matters not! What matters is that I have given myself a challenge.

Before anyone begins thinking that I’m going to run a marathon at the end of the year, let me cut you short. It is nothing of that calibre.

It’s actually not very challenging at all, come to think of it.

BUT, WHAT-HO! Again, it matters not!

I have challenged myself two things:

1. That I will, for the next hundred days, write in my journal.

2. That I will do something fun for myself every day.

This is relevant to this blog because a) it’s my blog and I can write about anything in it, so there, and b) blogging is partly what inspired these wee challenges. I’ve never been much of a journal-keeper. I’ll start one – go off with a bang and write in it every day for about a week, and then the next entry will be five years later. But doing this blog has shown me how important and awesome it is to order my thoughts and sift through my experiences to find what’s worth preserving and what actually meant something to me. Otherwise it all just fades; things that were awesome and worth documenting just become bits of grey in the background.

The second idea was that I hardly spend enough time just doing something for fun. I want to live my life to its very fullest, but I keep saying ‘oh, after uni. After work. I’m too tired’ etc. etc. etc. So i’m going to seize the day and climb the elephant and do something each day that makes me happy. Today, for example, I spent an hour drawing. I love drawing, but I haven’t done it in so long. It felt AWESOME just to take that time to do something I love.

By the way, all those yelling ‘run a marathon, you soppy idiot,’ at their computer screens… Extended periods of journal writing is strenuous enough a long distance haul for some people, thank you very much.

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