Arts, Culture, Technology, Self.

Arts and culture is a labyrinth of ideas, creativity, trends and philosophical ideologies.

‘Technology’ encompasses the tools and platforms, the ‘drivers’ to facilitate the evolution of arts and cultural ideas, advocating change and perpetuation in the 21st Century.

I see Arts and Culture as a two-way street, ideologies that transcend age, cyclical trends, identity and fusions. Technology I see as a one-way street. It develops and facilitates our lifestyles in line with Arts and Culture- easier, immediate and (unfortunately in many cases) dependable.

The fact that technology ‘has no borders’- unlike arts and culture- you can’t pinpoint and follow all intent, there is no edge or centre as opposed to culture (e.g the ‘hipster movement-Brunswick’), and the lack of being able to control borders around technology and online movements ‘e.g remix culture’;

it means that technology transcends into Arts and culture. They’re a fusion. We know that. We look to blogs more than magazines, E-boutiques more than shopping malls, Facebook more than coffeehouses. Technology means we’re not just consumers of art and culture anymore though. We consume and can produce= prosumers. We enable technology, we depend upon it for consumption and production and it depends upon prosumers.

Individual identity exists in the intersections of many aspects of self and social powers of self- some being technology, arts, culture.

I lost my computer for 4 days last week- I’d lost a part of myself. I had no apparent connection to the internet, social networks, RMIT blackboard, email, calendar, banking, notes, my blog, media, or my work. We use technology to carry aspects of ourselves- small things that define our everyday lives.

I got through it. I mean, I had an iphone (arguably a smaller subsystem of self).


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