Recently, there’s been a bit of hype of Facebook, Tumblr and Instagram on what it means to be a feminist in today’s world. You might have seen the sea of anti-feminist posts of young women holding placards with arguments against the movement. Basically, these women were petitioning on the online platform against contemporary feminism, voicing that it’s now redundant, we don’t need it and we don’t want it.
This jumped out at me in such a dramatic way. I thought to myself… who are these girls and where are their brains at? I was enraged at some of the allegations they were putting out about feminism, in particular, how we don’t need it, and how it’s all about putting men down. No! Feminism is about cultural, social, political and economic freedom amongst all people, women and men. Despite some of these women’s allegations, it’s NOT ABOUT HATING ON MEN. It’s like some of us can’t see that movements such as feminism were not established to put women higher than men, they were invented to fight for greater freedoms for minorities and excluded groups in society.
If you haven’t here’s an example of some of the posts that were going around.
First of all, fish have nothing to do with feminism. Humans, no matter gender, ethnicity, culture, socio-economic background or religion DESERVE EQUALITY.
FEMINISM = EQUALITY for all. So, to say that we don’t need equality is just plain ignorant. Without the feminism movement, women wouldn’t be equal to men. And vice versa.
Feminism is not about making women victims. It’s about empowering women to challenge pre-existing societal expectations of them which oppress their freedoms, whether social, economic, religious or cultural. It’s not about painting ourselves as victims, but it’s about recognising when someone has some part of their humanity taken away and acting on this.
Sure, in the Western world, we as women live freely and it may appear that we don’t need the movement anymore. But, let’s not forget that without feminism, you wouldn’t be able to voice opinions such as the one you voicing now. Without the suffragettes, women would not have the vote and so would not be politically equal to men. I mean, by 1885 men of all classes were allowed to vote, while women didn’t get this chance until some 33 years later! Sure, we have voting freedoms now, but once upon a time we had to fight for these rights which we simply take advantage of now.
Feminism is about equality and having a voice. And, if I’m not mistaken that’s what this anti-feminism campaign was doing. Without feminism, women couldn’t speak freely and publically about these sorts of opinions… let alone any societal opinion.
As Kitty puts, I’m really not sure what vaginas have to do with feminism… Perhaps this belongs elsewhere. But, I still think it’s funny that some people believe feminism is about hating on men. It’s NOT! It’s about fighting for equality amongst all humans. It’s about standing up for the person being wronged, whether male or female.
Now, let’s not forget, contemporary women wouldn’t be where we are today without our foremothers who achieved freedoms such as being able to vote, being able to have a career, fairness in the home, workplace and in society. I feel as though these women who are against feminism simply don’t realise the repercussions this could have. Sure, as free women in the Western world, we don’t need to jump up and down to get attention, but feminism is still incredibly important in establishing freedom, fairness, and equality for all.
This video I saw on The Project I found very timely and quite humourous. Kitty’s got the picture. So did this one young woman in a satirical parody on the silly anti-feminist campaign. I hope you do too.