
Nostalgia – This Mad Med episode discusses the relationship between the old and the new. The happy/sad feeling that spurs inside you when you recollect memories from the past. Nostalgia is stronger then a memory, its difficult to describe, its an association we have with a particular time and place that conjures up a sense of sentimentality. “In Greek nostalgia literally means pain from an old wound” “its a twinge in your heart, far more powerful then memory alone”. It grows stronger with time, age and distance. As the gap widens between the event and the present the ties become tighter and immerse themselves deeper and deeper within our hearts. The further we travel from the actual event the more we ache to return there and the less likely we will ever be able to recreate that occasion. Nostalgia draws a line between familiarity and the unknown. Its a time in our past but can often feel so far removed from our currant state that it almost feels like a stranger.

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