
Today we broke off into groups for our signal project. I have taken on the responsibility of project manager with Nicolette.
Job description:
Overseeing the main events, (Signal and RMIT studio exhibition.)
Contacting specific groups to check progress.
Dividing up roles and delegating tasks
Ensuring everyone is clear of their tasks
Keeping a document that is accessible by everyone to access important information, technical requirements, preparation and instillation dates and deadlines e.c.t

Scenes to capture on the train:
City night lights
Lights reflecting on river
Nepean highway
Bridges between Southern Cross and Flinders St
Other passing trains
Brighton Beach
Richmond buildings with reflective windows
Richmond scaffolding, studio buildings, architecture

Technical considerations:
I have been having difficulty with filming out of the train window to capture the correct angle and compose the shot how I want. I want to be able to capture the experience a passenger has on a train by shooting a POV shot. Initially I imagined the footage would be framed by the window frame but in order to do that I would have to film the window on an angle. This was not technically possible especially with filming at nighttime. The contrast in light from the dark surroundings and bright interior of the train meant that the recording was only capturing the reflection of the interior of the train rather then the external environment. I had to film parallel to the window with the camera pressed right against the glass which is limiting when trying to capture the full scope of the perspective of a passenger. Other considerations were the scratches on the glass that obstructed the camera. Also other passengers on the train who can take seats and obstruct shots.

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