Editing our footage the first thing I noticed was that Jourdan conducted the interview really well in that he didnt speak over Marcus and he gave him time and space to fully express his thoughts without external influences. This also makes the editing process easier because you dont have to cut out a 2nd persons voice. As a group we decided to edit the film as a collection of comments from Marcus and emitting the interviewers questions completely. It was a challenge to try and compile the footage so the comments would hake sense without the audiences knowledge of the prompting question. Another challenge was incorporating elements of Marcus` work within the interview to make it more visually appealing. As much of his work is interactive, live work there were limited sources available to include in the interview. We tried to use footage that was provoking and gets the viewer thinking and contemplating Marcus`views and artwork. Another challenge was getting clips at the right length. You want them to be short and snappy and engaging but not too quickly cit that it doesnt give you time to understand what Marcus is saying or the context of his comments. The major challenge with this process was exporting the final edit and sharing it as a file.