Sometimes I fear that my love of films is having an adverse affect on my life. I allow myself to become fully immersed in the films I watch, I become the character and fantasize about having these exciting adventures in my real life. Then when I return to reality I am so often left feeling disappointed and unfulfilled. These films create a set of standards that I subconsciously want to attain in my own life. Sometimes I just have to stop myself and realize that the reason these films are so compelling is because they are unique, they contain story lines consisting of things outside your ordinary daily occurrences. The reason people spend there time watching these films is because they are interesting, they’re not the type of things that happen to normal people. I cant expect my life to be that intense. Even though I know that logically my life isn’t, and cant be a movie there is still that inner hope that maybe I will be the exception, maybe it is possible for me to be that one person that these amazing things happen to. My high expectations are creating dissatisfaction, I always want things to be better but my nostalgic outlook on films is also often one sided. I overlook the characters lowest points, the parts of the story where everything is going wrong and their life is in turmoil, I just want to live the highs. I want the adventure, excitement and happy ending without the middle transition stage. Sometimes I wonder would I be more content if I didn’t watch as many films as I do or am I happy living as a dreamer.