
Today in class Rachael spoke about collaboration.

Good v bad experiences.

Things that create a bad collaboration experience:

– One person does all the work and the others get the credit.

– People may have to take ownership and put their name on work that they may not be happy with or proud of.

– Peoples opinions may be outnumbered, making it hard for them to have any input.

– People with differing artistic attitudes may not collaborate well. Sometimes compatible personalities may not be compatible work mates if they have differing artistic opinions.

– Ideas may clash and this may sacrifice fluidity and consistency in the work. This can create a jarring piece that does not target any specific audiences. They may struggle to stick to 1 specific aesthetic and end up with a clashing piece. Differing ideas could potentially come together to create the best of both worlds but alternatively they could clash.

– People may feel that their ideas are not worthy of other peoples. They might not know how to contribute if they do not feel they have valuable information.

– Sometimes people have conflicting ideas and cant reach a compromise.

– You have to rely on other people that may not pull their weight or show up.


Things that create a good collaborative experience:

– Sharing of ideas allowing everyone to build on and improve ideas.

– With correct leadership you can find a balance between a leader and dictator. You need someone who will consider and respect others ideas but maintain authority and make final decisions.

– You can solve problems with others help by putting multiple minds together.

– You can bounce ideas off each other and build on them.

– You can support each other, confirm other peoples ideas and get a second opinion, reassurance from other people.

– You feel a sense of responsible because others rely on you. This can often help people to work harder, achieve goals and meet deadlines.

– In a group large-scale projects can be worked on at a faster pace with shared workload.

– Everyone can work to their specified areas.

– People can utilize key skills and their specialized departments.


Important skills of collaboration:

– Leadership
– Negotiation

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