Initially, I was quite confused and could not understand how the investigation of scene construction can be studied with a theoretical approach. But since doing the group exercises, I discovered that there is no one way of film making or constructing a scene. We were reminded of the difference between the industrial model of filmmaking and the current post industrial methodologies that allow more organic approaches to be explored. And that these organic processes may not necessarily involve scripts or script writing, one of the areas I am least familiar with.
Paul mentioned that this studio is an attempt to bring cinema theory and practice together. This is something very similar to the practice I have been trained in previously in Fine Arts. Knowing this, I am now more excited and comfortable about the course. Also the idea of doing individual research and perhaps making individual work by the end of the course seems to be an interesting approach where we can all figure out our own styles and see what we are purely capable of.
My goals:
- to become technically comfortable with the variety of film making processes such as shooting with cinema camera, sound and post production
- to explore and develop my own approach and methodology to film making
- to apply research of existing films to my own practical experiments.