Monthly Archives: October 2014
I know its late…
late because this blog is no longer being assessed and nobody will be reading this anymore…and late in the sense that it’s two forty five a.m.
but i felt like i got something to share so, here it is:
whilst conversing with my peer, production and media essay partner, Linda SHI about our media essay, I had an epiphany – one that should have seemed obvious from the start – about the nature of hyper-narrative/collage (and our networked essay, to which it lends it’s form):
Linda: ‘…the whole original idea was so that all our posts are linked and we’re responding to each other ( but we don’t necessarily have to say: responding to blah blah blah) like our posts are in a way the result of another post but they can be singular arguments and we can link within the posts’
Me: ‘yeh that is very well put!! xD sorry i kinda got confused and lost track of our concept. thanks! And that way they are both responses of each other depending on which one the reader lands on first…so the whole nature of the media essay or hypertext at least is temporally paradoxical’
Although linear when viewed by a reader who chooses their own path through the collage, as a database, all the individual parts paradoxically and simultaneously all exist before each other.
Me: ‘WOW……sooo deeep!!! i need a joint now’
lunar eclipse tonight
Tonights lunar eclipse will start in Melbourne around 7.21pm as it rise over the horizon in the East.
Unfortunately couldn’t hyperlink it on my phone.
Dogs’ Philosophical Lens
Despite the awfulness of Hay-fever: all the physical symptoms that wakes me up at 7am every morning but glues me to the tissue box and bed til noon, clumsiness that had me spraining my ankle and almost falling on my dog’s…(well), fogginess in my thoughts when I’m trying to plan my assignments and general unproductiveness…It was quite an enjoyable week.
I managed to find the time to:
Play and spend time with my dogs
Delve into nerdy philosophical topics that fascinated me:
Rupert Sheldrake and Graham Hancock raises questions about materialism, fundamentalism, ideological structures in scientific reductionist viewpoint vs. science as a mode of inquiry, the existence of consciousness…
(Warning: the first 2 are quite long ones for those not familiar with JRE)
Joe Rogan Experience #550 Rupert Sheldrake Joe Rogan Experience #551 Graham Hancock Rupert Sheldrake’s Banned TED Talk Graham Hancock’s Banned TED TalkGeek out on camera lenses and realising it actually doesn’t cost that much to get a good pair lens for video!
5 best lenses for video on DSLR Video Lenses Best lenses for Canon 6Dand remained calm and peaceful minded constantly.
This week in the first half of the symposium, Adrian went through tips on how to write a critical media essay and how to inventively integrate footnotes as links and so on…
Then the entire second half (perhaps longer than that) was dedicated to one question that was posed from the class: How does The Long Tail affect the music industry.
Despite the symposiums usually being rather one sided or leading to a semantics debate, the discussion responding to this question actually didn’t go off-track. And there were some very relevant ideas to think about.
Media industries on the internet> a scale-free network> this model disrupts physical retail model> The hit market> Big media have to be generalists> Power law> The Long Tail> more sold by the long tail than mass entertainment> Constant change> in a transitional time> Industrial vs. Post-Industrial
Peer Review
Marcus reflects on Anderson’s analysis comparing the new digital media economy with the previous industrial model and it’s physical constraints on media and entertainment industries. Monique thinks about how the 80/20 rule affects the equality of an online network. Stephanie relates the idea of the long tail as the new market place to iTunes.