I would say it’s anything but. Well. That depends on the company of course. Sure, every-day interaction might seem banal, but I think that all you have to do to make it interesting is to pay attention. Here, I risk, reverse engineering the same machine logic of the people who want us to fuse with machines, or imbuing human interaction with the necessity for some sociopathic, Sherlockesque observation. It need not be so, but i think, by trying to understand what people say and why, or trying to see things, even a plain old transaction at a shop in the wider context of how and why, can make things infinitely – well, far more at least – interesting.
Society is not banal. Our thoughts are. Things are not boring, they have cavernous contexts and contingencies to explore. Banality comes when we stop watching and just look. Breathing is not boring, it assists with the transport of oxygen to the fascinating organisms that live on planet earth. Nearly every living object needs to breathe. This is not banal. It is a fundamental characteristic of nature. To me, that is interesting. But only if you’re paying attention.
Mardy also speaks http://www.mediafactory.org.au/mardy-bridges/