Melbourne for me is a developing city, the population growth rapidly. It is undeniable, the Chinese occupied a large number of population, as a international student from China, I have tried 80% Chinese restaurant in city. It is obviously, in such a city, more frequent replacement of the restaurants. So what is the meaning of diet? Is this just for living?or the profit for the restaurant owner?(could be voice over)
Sum up: The significance of Chinese cuisine is heritage and the philosophical attitude toward life.
Shooting Content:
•Street scene: Put it in at beginning or ending ,to introduce the background. Where(Mel) what is my topic(Chinese food/ China town) where the main restaurant (bourke street)
•The restaurant shooting: the shooting of interior,environment and the atmosphere there/ the shooting of how to make the cook(cold rice noodle and Chinese hamburger)
•Interview:with owner and customers
Shooting style:
•Snapshot:used as introducing
•Slow motion:used as food shooting
•Focus and defocus superposition use
•Interview: camera + recorder
Post production:
•Voice over
So the two following week i would put focus on shooting these things. The last week would be editing.
主题/意义:墨尔本在我看来是一个发展中的城市,日新月异人口也以暴增的速度增长,不可否认,华人占人口的很大比例,作为来留学的中国留学生我几乎吃过city 80%的中餐馆,不难发现,在这样一座城市里,餐厅的更换更是频繁。那么饮食对于在西方国家的中国人来说是什么呢?解决温饱?还是餐厅主人盈利的手段?(旁白)总结:饮食对于我来说更多的是传承。
•街景 主要放在开头或者结尾,介绍背景。发生的城市(墨尔本)以及我所要拍摄的主题(唐人街,中餐)和拍摄主要地点(长安人家,bourke street)
•餐厅拍摄 主要拍摄餐厅室内环境,室外环境,和制作食物的特写
•采访 采访餐厅的老板和顾客(记得写参访稿)
•快镜头: 用于介绍背景