To cultivate good reading habits

Well, this is it. I do not like reading, after my countlesspsychological hinted that he “knowledge is power, reading to change life"I gradually slowly began to read.

《HOW TO READ  A BOOK》is the book which i highly recommend.

1.In life,we face all sorts of problems, we must find the answer. We have to ask ourselves a lot of HOW questions. When you are facing athing, don’t complain, ask yourself HOW to solve the problem. If I don’t know HOW to read. That I am going to solve reading problems. I don’t know how to cook, I’ll go to cook book, or ask the cook who askexperience. Through this to ask questions, answer questions, the methods to solve the problem, you will learn more and more things.

2. This book lies in second points, classification (assortment). This book addresses all the scholar has to face the problem, why do you want to read, what to read, what kind of Book How is reading, deep reading ortasted, how to use the book content to life and so on. No matter you want to do after reading, the book’s significance is great. This two pictures is a foreigner and I summed up according to the book reading card. Answerthe question for you to understand what you’re reading the book more or less will have some significance.


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