
Assignment 4

  week 7: week 8: week 9: week 10: week 11: week 12:  

week 12

In this week I finally finished my film, after finishing it I start to reflect that what I learned and improved in this semester and this project. Through this project, I think I’m not only learning and exploring the new…

week 11

According to Fox and Broderick (2017), A loud sound or passage feels all the louder if preceded by quiet. This is an interesting idea I’ve never noticed about, which I always keep the volume consistent. However this time I can…

week 10

In this week we watched different excerpts from the documentaries to discuss the different way they use to narrate and voiceover. For the first documentary of Night Parrot Stories (2016), the narration is super episodic, the content of its narration…

week 9

I really like C.Jones’s work of putting different lightning images together then they becomes a new image. I think it inspires me that to create things with innovation in mind — sometimes put random stuffs together may get a unexpected…

week 8

week 8

This week we explored the voice, sound, music and silence of audio tracks in film, in this week’s readings and films I learned a lot and also found some inspirations. In Capturing Reality: The Art of Documentary (2008), one of…

week 7

This week’s tutorial introduces the different ways to structure a documentary for our final project. According to Das (2019), documentaries have long been used as an instrument to inspire change in their audience, be it social change or inner change.…


week 4 : week 5: week 6:  

week 6

In this week’s tutorial we are looking into the archival and found footages and how to use them in different meanings. Before this week’s study I was not very aware of the concept of archival and found footages, and my…

week 5

After exploring this week’s study I think I have a brand new understanding of interviews. In my past works I have done different interviews, however I didn’t understand that interviews can be used in different ways and produce different emotions,…