(edit 1)
(edit 2)
(edit 3)
Those“Lenny” video are the rough cuts for the class exercise, and through this exercise shooting project I was reflecting a lot. The exercise as a group project made everyone to play a different role, and gave a chance to change the role for everyone every scenes, thus this made me sufficiently realised how important the team work is. I think a good team work for the shooting part is based on a good division and cooperation (including all the things like carrying camera, filling sheets and even help the director say ACTION), it will help a team have a efficient process. Also I think the communication is important when doing a group work, it is good to share ideas and give advice, sometimes these will make the result better.
Moreover, when we were shooting, my teammate shot a scene in many different ways, I realised sometimes it is necessary to shoot a scene in different angles or shots because the real situation may not be what you imagined, and some of those shots are even unusable (lose focus or can’t be cut together) . Thus, I think I need always prepared for the back up plans when shooting something, and don’t hesitate to try things in different ways then check and make sure you are doing great. Also when come to edit, the background music seems to help a lot to express the emotion, which comparing my Lenny edit 1 and 2, the right background music intensively shows the nervous atmosphere — indeed, matching a right music is a necessary skill to have.