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Broadcast Journal #3


September 16, 2013 by sharona

We’ve finally handed this thing in now, thank god.

What I learnt:

  • sometimes codecs are just bitches. Trial and error can be the only way to solve some problems.
  • Handbrake is your friend.
  • Because FCP is incredibly picky, convert all b-roll from the internet with plenty of time to go so you aren’t frantically trying to convert clips with no luck at 9pm in the editing suites.
  • transitions are important!
  • remember to bring production notes, because they are important, obviously.
  • saving as a Quicktime is infinitely faster than converting, and results in less problems
  • sometimes movies import really weirdly, and you don’t know why.

And also, Vimeo’s uploading isn’t the thing you have to wait for…it’s the waiting period.

We could’ve done a lot better, I think, but also a lot worse.

Now to concentrate on radio.


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