Over the last 2 weeks our group has produced many ideas and directions to move towards for our creative product for our text artefact. Our idea-span was almost too big to follow at one point, and we were unsure how to tackle the assignment outside being a research task. After a focus session on the criteria and what we need to produce, and some suggestions from Dan, we decided to couple video and print advertisements, and use both to sample various interpretations of messages being sent in Volkswagen ads, known for their excellent storytelling and ability to captivate the audience. This week, we decided to gather the responses from a sample audience about what they thought one particular Volkswagen television ad was aiming to convey, or what sense they gathered around the ad. Then, we would take the responses and format them into a Volkswagen-styled print ad, and add our own analysis of the responses. We are also working on our own mock-up television ad to ad to the creative element of the assignment.
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