Shannon (“wise river”) is an Irish unisex name, Anglicised from Sionainn, The name Sionainn alludes to Sionna, a goddess in Irish mythology whose name means “possessor of wisdom”. She is the namesake and matron of Sionainn, the River Shannon. Sionainn is the longest river in the British Isles. Because the suffix ain indicates a diminutive  in Irish, the name is sometimes mistranslated as “little wise one”.

Image 1: My favourite place at my house, underneath a massive tree overhanging the fence. The pavers get warm in the sun, and it’s the best place to relax and unwind, and to just think and reflect.



Image 2: Photos of my younger sister and I, she’s a massive part of my life, and I wouldn’t be able to explain who I was without her, as a caregiver and a friend.




Image 3: A newspaper clipping that I’ve had for a number of years, the words of Leunig in this cute poem about ducks reminds me everyday to have a positive mindset and to meet each day fully.



Image 4: My stack of notebooks that I have been working through for the last year, in which I try to keep refining my drawing skills, as well as furthering my own personal development reflected in the images i draw.





Audio Recording 1: A voice recording of my nine year old sister describing me, giving her perception of me rather than me explaining myself

Audio Recording 2: A recording of my surroundings as I work in my room, usually with the radio on and with a snack. My room contains everything I own, and is where I’m most comfortable

Video 1: The last day of year 12 was very special to me, since I had been at the same school for 13 years. Outside of school I have a very small circle of friends, and the people I know from school comprise a lot of my identity as people who have guided me and helped me grow as a person. The balloons being let go was to symbolise our graduation, but also to show our progression into adults and our exponential growth as individuals

Video 2: Me walking up my street to my house, which has the strongest feeling of home out of all the places I have lived. The unique sense of community from the area and my neighbours makes me really appreciate where I live, and inspires me to contribute and be involved in my small community.